Minor in Arts Administration
Does the business side of the arts interest you? Are you thinking of opening a dance
studio, working in the development office of a theatre company, or starting a youth
theatre program? The Minor in Arts Administration is an introduction to field. You’ll
need to take at least 9 credit hours of classes in the arts (art, dance, music, theatre,
musical theatre, theatre design or technology), as well as taking one of two foundational
courses, either ART 496: Special Topics in Studio Art with the Topic of Gallery Management,
or PERF 423: Performing Arts Management. After that, you will take 12 credit hours
from a long list of possible classes to begin developing your knowledge of topics
like grant-writing, accounting, social media marketing, leadership, and entrepreneurship.
Please note: ART 496: Special Topics in Studio Art with the Topic of Gallery Management
is not offered every semester. PERF 423: Performing Arts Management is an online
class, typically offered in the fall semester.
We highly encourage students minoring in Arts Administration to contact the Department
of Theatre & Dance Advisor, Carol Jordan, carol.jordan@wku.edu, 270-745-8942, for assistance in navigating this minor.
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