Facebook Pixel Out of State Tuition: Theatre & Dance | Western Kentucky University


KY Bordering States

Full-time, first-time freshmen who are residents of any state that borders Kentucky can attend WKU for the in-state tuition rate. This scholarship will lower the tuition cost by nearly 60% for most students, and students can still stack on other institutional scholarships to further reduce cost. Visit wku.edu/border to apply.

What if I don't reside in Kentucky or a bordering state?

Non-resident first-time, full-time freshmen who have a 3.00 high school GPA or qualify for any university scholarship award will qualify for the Tuition Incentive Program (TIP). TIP will reduce the cost of out-of-state tuition by nearly 50%, and other scholarships can still stack. Visit wku.edu/admissions/tip.php to see if you qualify.

What additional scholarships may be available?

Visit https://www.wku.edu/financialaid/scholarships/ for more information.

Visit https://www.wku.edu/theatre-and-dance/scholarships.php for Theatre & Dance Scholarships for First-Time Students.




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 Last Modified 6/22/21