Scenic Design & Technology Facilities
Scene Shop Facilities
The Scene Shop is located in FAC 125 and 127, directly below the Russell Miller Theatre. The main part of the shop measures just under 1000 sq. ft. in size and utilizes a 1-ton lift to move scenery pieces on stage. This room houses all bench and power tools as well as the paints work area.
Bench tools include a 12-inch compound miter saw, 10-in table saw, 10-inch radial arm saw, 8 ¼ -inch panel saw, 18-inch band saw, 133-inch band saw, and drill press. Two large 6-foot x 8-foot worktables are located behind the table saw to act as a run-off table and provides additional work area. There are also a wide assortment of hand and power tools.
An adjacent room measuring just under 500 sq. ft. houses tool storage and a props work area.
Due to shop size and layout, much of our work is performed “in space” or on stage. This allows for greater mobility and frees up workspace in the shop. A 6’x10’ material lift aids in moving tools and materials from the shop to the theatre space above.
Stock Storage
Due to storage limitations, the scene shop keeps stock pieces in multiple locations. Properties are stored in the Props Vault in Gordon Wilson Hall. Furniture and other scenic pieces are stored off campus in the "Tom" and "David" storage sites. Stock platforms, flats, and stair units are located just outside Fine Arts Center underneath the bleachers and in flats storage offstage in Russell Miller Theatre.