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October 27, 2011 -- 3:45 p.m.
Academic Affairs Conference Room/Wetherby 2nd Floor

  1. Call To Order
  2. Approval of 09/22/2011 Minutes
  3. Old Business
    1. Proposal to Create a New Minor Program: Global Health Service
  4. New Business
    1. CEBS
      1. Information
        1. Clarification of certification codes for teacher education undergraduate programs
      2. Action
        1. Multiple Revisions: LTCY 320
        2. Make Multiple Revisions: LTCY 420
    2. CHHS
      1. Consent
        1. Proposal to Revise a Course Title: FACS 499
        2. Proposal to Revise a Course Title: FACS 495
        3. Proposal to Revise Course Prerequisites: FACS 373
      2. Action
        1. Proposal to Revise a Program: 245 Hospitality Management
    3. PCAL
      1. Consent
        1. Proposal to Revise Course Number: FLK 375
        2. Proposal to Revise a Course Catalog Listing: POP 201
      2. Action
        1. Proposal to Create a New Course: PHIL 427
        2. Proposal to Revise a Program: 758 Popular Culture Studies
        3. Proposal to Create a New Minor Program: Minor in News/Editorial Journalism Writing
    4. OCSE
      1. Information
        1. Create a Temporary Course: BIOL 345
        2. Create a Temporary Course: BIOL 457
        3. Create a Temporary Course: MATH 498
      2. Consent
        1. Revise Course Prerequisites: EE 380
        2. Revise Course Prerequisites/Corequisites: EE 210
        3. Revise Course Prerequisites/Corequisites: EE 473
        4. Revise Course Title: AMS 301
      3. Action
        1. Create a New Course: HORT 426
        2. Create a New Course: INFO 336
        3. Create a New Certificate Program: Food Processing and Technology
        4. Create a New Certificate Program: CNSS 4011 Information Assurance Certificate
        5. Create a New Minor Program: Food Processing and Technology
  5. Report from the Chair
  6. Announcements
  • Chair's Office Number 270-745-4105
  • Email the Chair - ucc.chair@wku.edu
  • Meeting Location - ZOOM

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 Last Modified 8/14/18