April 26, 2012 -- 3:45 p.m.
Academic Affairs Conference Room/Wetherby 2nd Floor
- Call To Order
- Approval of 03/29/2012 Minutes
- Old Business
- New Business
- UC
- Consent
- Delete a Course: GRM 101C
- Delete a Course: SOC 240C
- Action
- Revise a Course: #246 Associate of Interdisciplinary Studies
- Consent
- Revise a Course Title: PHIL 341
- Revise a Course Title: PHIL 342
- Revise a Course Title: PHIL 343
- Suspend a Course: PHIL 201
- Suspend a Course: PHIL 310
- Suspend a Course: PHIL 321
- Suspend a Course: PHIL 329
- Delete a Course: ART 320
- Delete a Course: COMM 340
- Action
- Create a New Course: PS 377
- Create a New Course: PS 420
- Create a New Minor Program: Literature Minor
- Revise a Program: #348 Minor in Creative Writing
- Revise a Program: #437 Minor in Professional Writing
- Revise a Program: #662PW English Minor, Professional Writing Concentration
- Information
- Create a Temporary Course: PHYS 215
- Create a Temporary Course: ME 333
- Consent
- Suspend a Course: BIOL 150
- Suspend a Course: BIOL 151
- Suspend a Course: BIOL 153
- Suspend a Course: BIOL 415
- Delete a Course: MATH 175
- Delete a Course: CS 249
- Delete a Course: CS 349
- Reactivate a Suspended Course: CS 299
- Reactivate a Suspended Course: CS 406
- Revise Course Catalog Listing: BIOL 275
- Revise Course Catalog Listing: CHEM 451
- Revise Course Catalog Listing: CHEM 452
- Revise Course Catalog Listing: CHEM 453
- Revise Course Prerequisites/Corequisites: BIOL 312
- Revise Course Prerequisites/Corequisites: BIOL 348
- Revise Course Prerequisites/Corequisites: BIOL 407
- Revise Course Prerequisites/Corequisites: BIOL 490
- Revise Course Prerequisites/Corequisites: BIOL 495
- Suspend a Program: #714 Major Investigative Biotechnology
- Suspend a Program: #399 Minor Investigative Biotechnology
- Action
- Make Multiple Revisions to a Course: BIOL 199
- Make Multiple Revisions to a Course: CHEM 450
- Action
- Revise Course Credit Hours: AH 106
- Revise Course Credit Hours: AH 108
- Revise a Program: #265 Associate or Applied Science in Paramedicine
- Revise a Program: #432 Minor in Physical Education
- Report from the Chair
- Announcements
- Members Profile
- Chair's Office Number 270-745-4105
- Email the Chair -
- Meeting Location - ZOOM
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