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11/13/12 Agenda

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November 13, 2012 -- 3:45 p.m.
Academic Affairs Conference Room / Wetherby 2nd Floor

  1. Call To Order
  2. Approval of 10/25/2012 Minutes
  3. Old Business
    1. Revise Program : Increase GPA Admission to Student Teaching (CEBS)
    2. Revise a Program : Modifying Field Experience Policy for All Students (CEBS)
  4. New Business
    1. PCAL
      1. Information
        1. Create a Temporary Course : DANC 445
      2. Consent
        1. Revise Course Prerequisites/Corequisites : COMM 440
        2. Delete a Course : SOCL 234
      3. Action
        1. Create a New Course : PERF 362
        2. Make Multiple Revisions to a Course : ART 434
        3. Revise a Program : 385 Graphic Design Minor for Advertising Majors
        4. Revise a Program : 514 BFA in Visual Arts
        5. Revise a Program : 583 Bachelor of Arts in Music (Liberal Arts)
        6. Revise a Program : 593 Bachelor of Music, Concentration in Performance
        7. Revise a Program : 342 Minor in Criminology
        8. Revise a Program : 775 Major in Sociology
    2. UC
      1. Information
        1. Temporary Course Proposal : UC 100
        2. Temporary Course Proposal : CHNF 430
      2. Action
        1. Proposal to Create a New Course : HON 380
  5. Report from the Chair
  6. Announcements
  • Chair's Office Number 270-745-4105
  • Email the Chair - ucc.chair@wku.edu
  • Meeting Location - ZOOM

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 Last Modified 8/14/18