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PSC Annual Report Process

Programs that were flagged as having sustainability issues in the previous year developed sustainability plans that were approved by deans. Sustainability plans should have had

  1. the specific steps taken to execute the plan;
  2. the measurable goals of the plan and the targets (numbers) that would indicate success in the short term (one year) AND medium term (2-3 years);
  3. the specific resources (financial or otherwise) needed to achieve; and
  4. a final, agreed upon, timeline to assess success.


Each year, programs are required to provide a brief update (~250 words) to the deans to explain whether or not the program, based on the metrics, should still be flagged. In particular, they should explain

  1. the specific steps taken;
  2. how well measurable goals were achieved and the degree to which targets were met (specific numbers); and
  3. any changes you plan to make and/or any additional resources you would request to improve your success.


Ultimately, deans will determine if the sustainability plan is complete or in progress. Occasionally, deans may request a meeting with program coordinators/department chairs before determining the program’s status. 



Early July

PSC Data Released in Visual Analytics.


Review the NEW PSC Metrics from Visual Analytics (VA).  Take a screen shot of the first page and save it to add to your PSC Annual Report so department chairs and deans will have a common data set. Find help to access the data here https://www.wku.edu/academicaffairs/psc/psc.php


Review the sustainability plan that your dean approved—it’s currently housed in Anthology-Portfolio (or you may have your own copy).


Review the success of your plan based on the data provided in the Visual Analytics table.


Use the Program Sustainability Check-up-Annual Report template to write your report—remember to add the screen shot of page of the VA data.

August 31

From your departmental account, send your PSC Annual Report to the dean (make sure to submit to the college’s portfolio account (i.e., CHHS.portfolio@wku.edu).  Detailed directions here. Note: if the PSC Self-Study is not in the departmental account, you may have sent it from a personal account last year - please consult with Rob Hale to correct this issue.

September 30

The dean will review your report and respond on your sustainability status (Plan Complete or Plan in Progress)


Help Resources

Pdf Version of this web page

PSC Annual Report Template

Submitting PSC Annual Reports in Anthology Portfolio

Some of the links on this page may require additional software to view.

 Last Modified 7/8/24