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MGT 490 - Management Internships Application

MGT 490 -  Management Internships Application



Students who are management majors can participate in the MGT 490 Practicum in Management internship program. The internship is a one-time opportunity to enhance your educational experience by allowing you to apply classroom knowledge in a professional environment. Internships offer numerous benefits. You will be able to explore specific careers while developing new skills and enhancing current strengths. Gaining this career related experience increases your marketability to potential employers.

Internships require a semester work of 10-20 hours per week, 150+ hours total, of on-site experience to earn three credit hours toward graduation. Management Internship Instructor is Dr. Whitney Peake, (whitney.peake@wku.edu )

Students if you plan on applying for Internship Credit, you must apply for credit PRIOR to starting the internship. 

Internship Credit Information

Employer Benefits

Internships benefit the host company in many ways. Companies who utilize WKU Interns receive highly motivated and talented students who serve as assistants or junior staff members. These student interns are bright, responsible and eager to work. Student interns can bring enthusiasm and new ideas to the workplace. Their responsibilities differ from site to site depending on the company's needs. Student Interns can assist in daily operations of a company or in the implementation of a special program or project. Supervising an Intern also allows a company to observe a potential employee. Employer understands that WKU does not assume liability for any injury or damage sustained or caused by the student.


There is a wide variety of types of internship sites, ranging from social services to international trade experiences at major companies.


  1. Junior Standing, admitted in to major, and completion of MGT210 and 6 additional hours of Management courses.
  2. Cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher.
  3. Academic load for the term of the internship must not exceed 18 hours including the 3-hour internship.


To be eligible for internship credit, students must submit the Internship Credit Application on Handshake, including a detailed job description at the end of the application that demonstrates the opportunity warrants college credit. The proposal must be submitted before starting the internship. Once approved, the student will be enrolled in the appropriate major-specific internship course.


Student internship work is evaluated on a Pass/Fail basis. In order to receive a Pass grade, the student must submit a detail report at the end of the semester along with Student Internship Site Evaluation form. Also, at the conclusion of the Internship, the supervisor shall complete and mail the Site Supervisor's Evaluation of Student Intern to the Internship Coordinator. Students will not receive a grade in the MGT 490 class until all required forms are returned.


Students with disabilities who require accommodations (academic adjustments and/or auxiliary aids or services) for this course must contact the Student Accessibility Resource Center, Downing Student Union, First Floor, 1074. The SARC telephone number is (270) 745-5004. Per University policy, please DO NOT request accommodations directly from the professor or instructor without a letter of accommodation from the SARC.

Employer Internship Terms of Agreement

Internships are an educational opportunity. An internship consists of services for experience between a student and an employer. Internships help students to determine if they have an interest in a particular career, help them create a network of contacts and in some cases achieve course credit. Some interns find permanent, paid employment with the organizations for which they worked upon completion of the internship.

Interns may or may not be receiving hours of upper-level academic credit from the Gordon Ford College of Business for completing their internship with a participating business. No matter the circumstance, GFCB appreciates the opportunity for students to receive legitimate, real-world experience that is directly related to the student’s major. Routine filing, copying and answering phones are important parts of jobs; however these duties and responsibilities should not represent more than approximately 25% of the interns’ activities. If an intern is receiving course credit, please abide by the number of hours they must work in order to receive their credit.

By submitting the application for Internship Credit, the student confirms that the employer is aware of the Employer Internship Terms of Agreement.

Click here to see how you can apply for internship credit


The Gordon Ford College of Business is a top business school with dual AACSB accreditation in both business and accounting programs.



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 Last Modified 1/30/25