Gordon Ford College of Business Staff
- jenna.aikins@wku.edu
- Grise Hall 445
- 270-745-4309
- mohsen.aram@wku.edu
- Grise Hall 329
- Curriculum Vitae
- kirk.atkinson@wku.edu
- Grise Hall 229
- 270-681-5183
- jason.bergner@wku.edu
- Grise Hall 522
- dipesh.bhattarai@wku.edu
- GH 320
- 270-745-2018
Stacy Bibelhauser, PhD, CPA
- Meany Professor - Accounting | Interim Department Chair and Associate Professor - Accounting | Graduate Faculty
- Meany Professor - Accounting | Interim Department Chair and Associate Professor - Accounting | Graduate Faculty
- stacy.bibelhauser@wku.edu
- Grise Hall 519
- 270-745-3194
Christopher Biolsi, PhD, MA
- Program Coordinator - Master of Applied Economics | Associate Professor - Economics | Graduate Faculty
- Program Coordinator - Master of Applied Economics | Associate Professor - Economics | Graduate Faculty
- christopher.biolsi@wku.edu
- Grise Hall 428
- 270-745-2249
- Curriculum Vitae
Ray Blankenship, PhD, MBA
- Department Chair and Professor - Analytics and Information Systems | Program Coordinator - Business Data Analytics and Cybersecurity Certificates | Graduate Faculty
- Department Chair and Professor - Analytics and Information Systems | Program Coordinator - Business Data Analytics and Cybersecurity Certificates | Graduate Faculty
- ray.blankenship@wku.edu
- Grise Hall 231
- 270-745-5952
- christopher.brown@wku.edu
- Grise Hall 327
- 270-745-2018
- Curriculum Vitae
- adam.brownlee@wku.edu
- Grise Hall 220
- jacob.byl@wku.edu
- Grise Hall 423
- 615-428-6612
- Curriculum Vitae
- yining.chen@wku.edu
- Grise Hall 510
- 270-745-2982
- Curriculum Vitae
Indudeep Chhachhi, DBA, MBA
- Page Endowed Fellow - Finance | Department Chair and Professor - Finance | Director - TVA Investment Challenge | Graduate Faculty
- Page Endowed Fellow - Finance | Department Chair and Professor - Finance | Director - TVA Investment Challenge | Graduate Faculty
- indudeep.chhachhi@wku.edu
- Grise Hall 331
- 270-779-6141
- Curriculum Vitae
Mark Ciampa, PhD
- Program Coordinator - Master of Cybersecurity Data Analytics | Professor - Analytics and Information Systems | Graduate Faculty
- Program Coordinator - Master of Cybersecurity Data Analytics | Professor - Analytics and Information Systems | Graduate Faculty
- mark.ciampa@wku.edu
- Grise Hall 228
- 270-745-3509
- ismail.civelek@wku.edu
- Grise Hall 208
- 270-745-6174
- Curriculum Vitae
Leanne Coder, PhD, MBA
- Faculty Fellow for Student Success | Assurance of Learning Coordinator | Professor - Management
- Faculty Fellow for Student Success | Assurance of Learning Coordinator | Professor - Management
- leanne.coder@wku.edu
- Grise Hall 245
- 785-379-6155
- Curriculum Vitae
- cara.cordell@wku.edu
- Grise Hall 447
- 270-745-6245
- thad.crewsii@wku.edu
- Grise Hall 227
- 270-745-3509
- aquesha.daniels@wku.edu
- Grise Hall 205
- 270-745-3584
- Curriculum Vitae
- monica.duvall@wku.edu
- Grise Hall 434A
- 270-745-4136
- jennie.eakles@wku.edu
- Grise Hall 234
Gihan Edirisinghe, PhD
- Advisor - Delta Sigma Pi | Assistant Professor - Management | Graduate Faculty
- Advisor - Delta Sigma Pi | Assistant Professor - Management | Graduate Faculty
- gihan.edirisinghe@wku.edu
- Grise Hall 215
- 270-883-1625
- Curriculum Vitae
- john.erickson@wku.edu
- Grise Hall 221
- nicholas.fessler@wku.edu
- Grise Hall 513
- morgan.florence@wku.edu
- Grise Hall 434A
- 270-745-2579
- liz.fogle@wku.edu
- Grise Hall 447
- 270-745-5464
Lukas Forbes, PhD
- Department Chair and Professor - Marketing | Director - Center for Professional Selling | Graduate Faculty
- Department Chair and Professor - Marketing | Director - Center for Professional Selling | Graduate Faculty
- lukas.forbes@wku.edu
- Grise Hall 402
- 270-745-2993
- http://www.wku.edu/cps
- mary.gardner@wku.edu
- Grise Hall 404
- 270-745-3027
- Curriculum Vitae
- heather.glass@wku.edu
- Grise Hall 515
Braden Grant, CPA
- Accounting Assurance of Learning Coordinator | Pedagogical Assistant Professor - Accounting | Graduate Faculty
- Accounting Assurance of Learning Coordinator | Pedagogical Assistant Professor - Accounting | Graduate Faculty
- braden.grant@wku.edu
- Grise Hall 508
- lisa.hampton@wku.edu
- Grise Hall 234
- 270-745-2882
- bob.hatfield@wku.edu
- Grise Hall 214
- 321-247-8620
Andrew Head, MAAE, CFP
- Director - Center for Financial Success | Pedagogical Associate Professor - Finance
- Director - Center for Financial Success | Pedagogical Associate Professor - Finance
- andrew.head@wku.edu
- Grise Hall 325
- 270-303-9564
- Curriculum Vitae
- andria.henry@wku.edu
- Grise Hall 201
- 270-745-5408
- Pedagogical Associate Professor - Management | Graduate Faculty
- Pedagogical Associate Professor - Management | Graduate Faculty
- dana.cosby@wku.edu
- 270-745-6581
- katlyn.hettinger@wku.edu
- Grise Hall 422
- https://www.khettinger.com/
- Curriculum Vitae
- kenzie.jessup@wku.edu
- Grise Hall 453
- 270-745-2854
- amy.jewell@wku.edu
- Grise Hall 445
- 270-745-2279
- jean.johnson@wku.edu
- Grise Hall 232
- 270-745-3509
Zach Jones, MBA, CFP®
- Assistant Director - Center for Financial Success | Business Living Learning Community Fellow
- Assistant Director - Center for Financial Success | Business Living Learning Community Fellow
- zachary.jones@wku.edu
- Grise Hall 304
- 270-745-3425
- https://calendly.com/wkufinancialsuccess/short-meeting-w-zach
- kerron.joseph@wku.edu
- Grise Hall 318
- 270-745-4226
- Curriculum Vitae
- charles.kile@wku.edu
- Grise Hall 509
- 270-745-7054
- youn.kim@wku.edu
- Grise Hall 429
- 270-745-3187
- Curriculum Vitae
- alex.lebedinsky@wku.edu
- Grise Hall 445
- 270-745-3150
- Curriculum Vitae
- minwoo.lee@wku.edu
- Grise Hall 519
- 270-745-5001
J. Sebastián Leguizamón, PhD
- Director - Center for Applied Economics | Associate Professor - Economics | Graduate Faculty
- Director - Center for Applied Economics | Associate Professor - Economics | Graduate Faculty
- j.sebastian.leguizamon@wku.edu
- Grise Hall 462
- 270-745-2249
- Curriculum Vitae
- susane.leguizamon@wku.edu
- Grise Hall 414
- Curriculum Vitae
- fenghelen.liang@wku.edu
- Grise Hall 210
- Curriculum Vitae
- zhixian.lin@wku.edu
- Grise Hall 426
- https://www.peterzxlin.com/
- Curriculum Vitae
Jim Lindsey
- Advisor - Student Market Research Team | Instructor II - Analytics and Information Systems
- Advisor - Student Market Research Team | Instructor II - Analytics and Information Systems
- jim.lindsey@wku.edu
- Grise Hall 218
- 270-745-3509
- ling.lo@wku.edu
- Grise Hall 327
- Curriculum Vitae
Stephen Locke, PhD
- Program Coordinator - Actuarial Science | Associate Professor - Economics | Graduate Faculty
- Program Coordinator - Actuarial Science | Associate Professor - Economics | Graduate Faculty
- stephen.locke@wku.edu
- Grise Hall 419
- http://www.stephen-locke.com
- Curriculum Vitae
- sean.marston@wku.edu
- Grise Hall 216
- 270-745-3509
Craig Martin, PhD, MBA
- NCAA Faculty Athletic Representative | Professor - Marketing | Graduate Faculty
- NCAA Faculty Athletic Representative | Professor - Marketing | Graduate Faculty
- craig.martin@wku.edu
- Grise Hall 406
- 270-745-5707
- Curriculum Vitae
- james.mcknight@wku.edu
- Grise Hall 234
- (270) 745-4001
- golnaz.baradaranmotie@wku.edu
- Grise Hall 425
- Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Kate Nicewicz Scott, PhD, MBA
- Director - MBA Program | Assistant Professor - Marketing | Graduate Faculty
- Director - MBA Program | Assistant Professor - Marketing | Graduate Faculty
- kate.nicewicz@wku.edu
- Grise Hall 407
- Curriculum Vitae
- rahul.nilakantan@wku.edu
- Grise Hall 213
- megan.ormon@wku.edu
- Grise Hall 407
- 270-745-2471
- kevin.owens@wku.edu
- Grise Hall 418
- 270-745-2249
- Curriculum Vitae
- jeffrey.peake@wku.edu
- Grise Hall 410
- 270-745-3160
Whitney Peake, PhD
- Vitale Professor of Entrepreneurship | Department Chair and Professor - Management | Graduate Faculty
- Vitale Professor of Entrepreneurship | Department Chair and Professor - Management | Graduate Faculty
- whitney.peake@wku.edu
- Grise Hall 202
- 940-783-8797
- Curriculum Vitae
- joanna.phillips@wku.edu
- Grise Hall 412
- 270-745-2619
- Curriculum Vitae
Lily Popova Zhuhadar, PhD
- Director - Center for Applied Data Analytics | Professor - Analytics and Information Systems | Graduate Faculty
- Director - Center for Applied Data Analytics | Professor - Analytics and Information Systems | Graduate Faculty
- lily.popova.zhuhadar@wku.edu
- Grise Hall 128
- Curriculum Vitae
Ron Rhoades, JD, CFP
- Program Coordinator - Personal Financial Planning | Pedagogical Associate Professor - Finance
- Program Coordinator - Personal Financial Planning | Pedagogical Associate Professor - Finance
- ron.rhoades@wku.edu
- Grise Hall 319
- 352-228-1672
- Curriculum Vitae
- jonathan.ross@wku.edu
- Grise Hall 514
- 502-321-5609
- Curriculum Vitae
- pinky.rusli@wku.edu
- Grise Hall 517
- abbygail.schroader@wku.edu
- Grise Hall 234
- 270-745-4635
- gregory.siegelman@wku.edu
- Grise Hall 415
- 270-745-3406
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/gregsiegelman/
- Curriculum Vitae
- ashley.smith@wku.edu
- Grise Hall 234
- 270-745-2058
- shane.spiller@wku.edu
- Grise Hall 212
- 270-681-7922
- Curriculum Vitae
- evelyn.thrasher@wku.edu
- Grise Hall 445
- 270-745-2260
- http://www.linkedin.com/in/evelynthrasher
- Curriculum Vitae
Patricia Todd, DBA, MBA
- Faculty Advisor - WKU Esports Team | Program Coordinator - Esports Management Certificate | Professor - Marketing | Graduate Faculty
- Faculty Advisor - WKU Esports Team | Program Coordinator - Esports Management Certificate | Professor - Marketing | Graduate Faculty
- patricia.todd@wku.edu
- Grise Hall 463
- 270-745-2334
- robert.unseld@wku.edu
- Grise Hall 219
- 304-919-2255
- jesse.willcut@wku.edu
- Grise Hall 243
- 270-745-6945
- doreen.williams-holmes@wku.edu
- Grise Hall 334
- 270-745-2018
Dennis Wilson, PhD
- Director - Center for the Study of Economics and Institutions | Professor - Economics | Graduate Faculty
- Director - Center for the Study of Economics and Institutions | Professor - Economics | Graduate Faculty
- dennis.wilson@wku.edu
- Grise Hall 421
- 270-745-2249
- Curriculum Vitae
- sally.wolf@wku.edu
- Grise Hall 432
- 270-745-4814
- ruomeng.wu@wku.edu
- Grise Hall 408
- 270-745-2412
- tong.wu@wku.edu
- Grise Hall 225
- 270-681-0880
- mariah.yates@wku.edu
- Grise Hall 207
- 615-502-2127
- Curriculum Vitae
David Zimmer, PhD
- Truist Endowed Fellow - Economics | Department Chair and University Distinguished Professor - Economics | Graduate Faculty
- Truist Endowed Fellow - Economics | Department Chair and University Distinguished Professor - Economics | Graduate Faculty
- david.zimmer@wku.edu
- Grise Hall 427
- 270-745-2880
- http://people.wku.edu/david.zimmer/
- Curriculum Vitae
The Gordon Ford College of Business is a top business school with dual AACSB accreditation in both business and accounting programs.
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