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Gordon Ford College of Business Staff

Christopher Brown, PhD, MBA, CFP
Christopher Brown, PhD, MBA, CFP
- Professor and Page Endowed Fellow - Finance
Teaching Area(s)

Principles of Finance

Markets and Institutions

Commercial Bank Management


PhD, Finance, Oklahoma State University, 1998

MBA, University of Central Arkansas, 1986

BBA, Marketing, University of Central Arkansas, 1983

Licenses and Certifications:

Certified Financial Planner, 2022


Professor Brown's research interests include the management of financial institutions, corporate finance, and real estate. He teaches undergraduate courses in banking, financial markets and institutions, corporate finance, and real estate graduate courses in financial institutions management and corporate finance. Dr. Brown has been published in the International Review of Economics and Finance, the Journal of Real Estate Research, the Journal of Accounting and Finance Research, the Journal of Commercial Banking and Finance, and the Academy of Accounting and Financial Studies Journal. Dr. Brown has made numerous professional presentations. He is a member of the Financial Management Association and the American Academy of Accounting and Finance.

Recent Publications

"Using Barbells to Lift Your Risk-Adjusted Returns" (with W.J. Trainor, D. Cupcovic, and I.S. Chhachhi), Journal of Investment Consulting, 2020, 20(1), 40-47.

"A Portfolio of Leveraged Exchange Traded Funds" (with W.J. Trainor and I.S. Chhachhi), Financial Services Review, 2020, 28(1), 35-48.

"Leaping Black Swans" (with W.J. Trainor and I.S. Chhachhi), The Journal of Investing, 2019, 28(1), 64-76.

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The Gordon Ford College of Business is a top business school with dual AACSB accreditation in both business and accounting programs.



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 Last Modified 3/29/22