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Gordon Ford College of Business Staff

David Zimmer, PhD
David Zimmer, PhD
- Truist Endowed Fellow - Economics | Department Chair and University Distinguished Professor - Economics | Graduate Faculty
Teaching Area(s)

Statistical Analysis

Data Methods in Economics

Economics of Health Care

Applied Microeconomic Theory


PhD, Economics, Indiana University, 2004

MA, Economics, Indiana University, 2001

BS, Mathematics, University of Evansville, 1999


Dr. Zimmer’s research focuses on using statistical copula functions to model microeconomic phenomena. His book on copulas, entitled “Copula Modeling: An Introduction for Practitioners,” is a standard graduate-level reference. He has authored more than 60 articles in academic journals, including Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, Review of Economics and Statistics, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Economic Inquiry, Econometrics Journal, and Health Economics. His research is cited in the most widely used PhD-level econometrics textbooks. His work on education reform has been profiled in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. He has served as a consultant for the British National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE). He also directs the Masters Program in Applied Economics. Prior to joining the WKU faculty, he worked as a staff economist at the U.S. Federal Trade Commission in one of its antitrust enforcement units.

Recent Publications
“Estimating the Impact of Medical Care Usage on Work Absenteeism by a Trivariate Probit Model with Two Binary Endogenous Explanatory Variables" (with P. Filippou, G. Marra, and R. Radice), AStA Advances in Statistical Analysis, forthcoming.
“The Effect of Flood Mitigation Spending on Flood Damage: Accounting for Dynamic Feedback” (with D. Welsch and M. Winden), Ecological Economics, 2022, 192, 107273. 
“Did the ACA's ‘Guaranteed Issue’ Provision Cause Adverse Selection into Nongroup Insurance? Analysis using a Copula-Based Hurdle Model” (with G. Marra and R. Radice), Health Economics, 2021, 30, 2246-2263. 
“Estimating the Binary Endogenous Effect of Insurance on Doctor Visits by Copula-Based Regression Additive Models” (with G. Marra and R. Radice), Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C, 2020, 69, 953-971. 
“Using Copulas to Estimate the Coefficient of a Binary Endogenous Regressor in a Poisson Regression: Application to the Effect of Insurance on Doctor Visits”, Health Economics, 2018, 27, 545-556.
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 Last Modified 3/29/22