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Gordon Ford College of Business Staff

J. Sebastián Leguizamón, PhD
J. Sebastián Leguizamón, PhD
- Director - Center for Applied Economics | Associate Professor - Economics | Graduate Faculty
Teaching Area(s)

Public Sector Economics

Mathematical Economics

Microeconomic Theory

Statistical Analysis

PhD, Economics, West Virginia University, 2011
MA, Economics, West Virginia University, 2008
BS, Economics and Management Information Systems, Davis and Elkins College, 2005

Associate Professor of Economics at WKU and Director of the Center for Applied Economics (WKU). He received his Ph.D. in Economics in 2011 and then spent two years as a Postdoctoral Fellow in the Economics department at Tulane University in New Orleans. Right after, and prior to coming to WKU in 2015, he taught economics and statistics at Vanderbilt University. His research spans many different topics but he specializes in the economics of governments and public policy, including state and local taxation.

Recent Publications
"Health Insurance and Fertility among Low-Income, Childless, Single Women: Evidence from the ACA Medicaid Expansions." Health Economics, Policy and Law. Accepted
"Race, Ethnicity, and Taxation of the Family: The Many Shades of the Marriage Penalty/Bonus" National Tax Journal. 2023 Vol. 76(3) pp. 525-560. (with James Alm and Susane Leguizamon)
“Long live the doge? Death as a term limit on Venetian chief executives” (with D.J. Smith and G.R. Crowley), Public Choice, 2021, 188, 333-359.
“Revisiting the Link Between Economic Distress, Race, and Domestic Violence” (with S. Leguizamon and W. Howden), Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 2020, 35(19-20), 4141-4161.
“State Taxes and Legislative Turnover in the United States” (with P. Yakovlev), Economic Inquiry, 2020, 58(1), 518-535.
“Party Cues, Political Trends, and Fiscal Interactions in the United States” (with M. Montero-Kusevic), Contemporary Economic Policy, 2019, 37(4), 600-620.
“The Housing Crisis, Foreclosures, and Local Tax Regional Science and Local Tax Revenues" (with J. Alm), Regional Science and Urban Economics, 2018, 70, 300-311.
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 Last Modified 3/29/22