Gordon Ford College of Business Staff

- Director - Center for Applied Data Analytics | Professor - Analytics and Information Systems | Graduate Faculty
- lily.popova.zhuhadar@wku.edu
- Grise Hall 128
- Curriculum Vitae
Contemporary Analytics (graduate)
PhD, Computer Science and Computer Engineering, University of Louisville, 2009
MS, Computer Science, Western Kentucky University, 2004
Dr. Zhuhadar's applied research is directed toward collaborating with colleagues from various disciplines in the USA and Europe to solve today's big data problems using data mining methodologies. The impact of her research has been witnessed by her contribution to more than 60 publications in peer-reviewed journal articles, book chapters, and national/international conference proceedings.
Between 2014 and 2023, Dr. Zhuhadar has submitted more than 30 grant proposals, internally and externally, ranging from $3K to $2M. As of February 8, 2023, she has been awarded eighteen grants totaling around $300,000. Her Google Scholar Profile can be accessed from the following link.
"The influence of AmeriCorps members on ecosystem management" (with A. McCreary), Journal of Cleaner Production, 2023, 420, 138309, ISSN 0959-6526, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2023.138309.
"The Impact of AmeriCorps Members in Invasive Species and Wildfire Fuels Mitigation" (with A. McCreary), Journal of International Scientific Publications: Ecology & Safety, 2022, 16, 138-145.
"Novel findings of hidden relationships in offshore tax-sheltered firms: A semantically enriched decision support system" (with M. Ciampa), Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, 2021, 12, 4377–4394.
"Using survival analysis to discover pathways to success in mathematics" (with J. Daday, S. Marklin, B. Kessler, and T. Helbig), Computers in Human Behavior, 2019, 92, 487-495.
"Data analytics and its advantages for addressing the complexity of healthcare: A simulated zika case study example" (with E. Thrasher), Applied Sciences, 2019, 9(11), 2208.
"Leveraging learning innovations in cognitive computing with massive data sets: Using the offshore Panama papers leak to discover patterns" (with M. Ciampa), Computers in Human Behavior, 2018, 92, 507-518.
The Gordon Ford College of Business is a top business school with dual AACSB accreditation in both business and accounting programs.