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Gordon Ford College of Business Staff

Minwoo Lee, PhD
Minwoo Lee, PhD
- Associate Professor - Accounting | Graduate Faculty
Teaching Area(s)

Managerial and Cost Accounting

General and Financial Accounting

Computerized Accounting Systems

Accounting Decision Making

Financial Management


PhD, Finance and Accounting, University of Pittsburgh, 1993

MBA, Finance, Yonsei University, 1984

BA, Business Administration, Yonsei University, 1982


Dr. Lee teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in managerial accounting. His current research focuses on financial markets and behavioral studies in the experimental market and the use of accounting information. Dr. Lee has presented a number of papers at international, national, and regional academic meetings. He has written numerous scholarly articles in financial and behavioral accounting areas. While he took a professional leave of absence in Hong Kong, he served as a member on the Research Board of the Hong Kong Society of Accountants (later renamed to be the Hong Kong Institute of CPAs). Dr. Lee was invited to teach at the International Summer Campus at Korea University, one of the most prestigious international summer programs. Dr. Lee has authored articles in prestigious scholarly and professional journals such as the Journal of Accounting and Finance Research and Management Decision. He has also served the University and the region for a number of internationalization, economic development, and foreign firm recruitment projects. 

Recent Publications

“Experts’ Collective Judgments and Learning in Analytical Review,” (with S. Bibelhauser and Y. Chen), American Journal of Management, Forthcoming.

“Research on Tax Expense Surprise,” International Journal of Accounting and Taxation, 2021, 9(1)

“Expert Judgments in an Audit’s Analytical Review,” (with H. Little and A. Hunt), American Journal of Management, 2017, 17(5).

“Information Saliency, Analytical Assessments and Learning,” (with H.S. Hwang), International Journal of Accounting and Taxation, 2017, 5(1).

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The Gordon Ford College of Business is a top business school with dual AACSB accreditation in both business and accounting programs.



 Last Modified 3/29/22