Gordon Ford College of Business Staff

- Associate Professor - Economics | Graduate Faculty
- susane.leguizamon@wku.edu
- Grise Hall 414
- Curriculum Vitae
Statistical Analysis
Mathematical Economics
PhD, Economics, West Virginia University, 2010
MA, Economics, West Virginia University, 2008
BS, Economics, University of California-Davis, 2005
Dr. Leguizamon's research interests include: public economics, spatial econometrics, international economics and urban economics. She has been teaching at WKU since 2013 after a stint as Visiting Professor at Tulane University. Her most recent research has been featured in the Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, Regional Science and Urban Economics, and the Journal of Urban Economics. She is a current member in the American Economics Association and the Southern Regional Science Association.
“The Influence of Land Use Regulation on the Probability Low-Income Neighborhoods Will Gentrify” (with D. Christafore), Urban Studies, 2021, 58(5).
“Revisiting the Link Between Economic Distress, Race, and Domestic Violence ” (with J.S. Leguizamon and W. Howden), Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 2020, 35(19-20).
“Taste Based Discrimination, Tolerance and the Wage Gap: When Does Economic Freedom Help Gay Men?” (with D. Christafore), Kyklos, 2019, 72(3).
“Neighborhood Inequality Spillover Effects of Gentrification” (with D. Christafore), Papers in Regional Science, 2019, 98(3).
“Is Gaytrification a Real Phenomena?” (with D. Christafore), Urban Affairs Review, 2018, 54(5).
The Gordon Ford College of Business is a top business school with dual AACSB accreditation in both business and accounting programs.