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Generative AI Tools in the Classroom

Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) is rapidly transforming our world, and higher education is no exception. Over the course of the 22-23 academic year we saw significant developments in the utilization and capacity of artificial intelligence (AI) tools. Here at WKU, we believe in embracing cutting-edge tools to empower our faculty and enhance student learning. These ongoing developments have a substantial impact on teaching and learning, and it is necessary for us to consider the implication of AI in our classrooms. This page introduces you to the exciting possibilities of GenAI in your teaching practices, providing practical strategies, and inspiring examples from your colleagues.

If you have additional questions, suggestions, or resources you would like to share, please contact citl@wku.edu.  


Generative AI is a type of technology that produces content (text, images, other media, etc) in response to prompts provided by the user. The content is generated through machine learning that mirrors the human brain and therefore produces human-like materials. Examples of Large Language Models (LLMS) that generate text include ChatGPT, Bing, Gemini (formerly Bard), and Claude 2. Generators frequently used to create images include Adobe Firefly, Stable Diffusion, DALL-E and Midjourney. 

Ways to Approach AI tools in the Classroom

Similar to any other tool or innovation, there are multiple ways that you might choose to incorporate AI tools in your courses. You may teach a course in which your students are actively engaging with new technologies and full use of these tools is vital to students’ success. You may teach a course where “there is a time and a place” for generative AI and it is incumbent upon you to explicitly communicate those times with your students. This may involve activities such as brainstorming or problem-solving in in-class discussions or individual assignments. Or, you may teach a course in which a student’s use of these tools would be considered academic dishonesty. Regardless of your approach, we have entered into a new era of teaching and we cannot assume that students will know, or understand, our policies. Therefore, it is critical that you consider your position and communicate that clearly with your students. 

Please consider the pages linked below.

AI generated image of a teacher with a classroom

On this page, you will find strategies and recommendations on best practice for utilizing generative AI as a tool for teaching.

AI generated image of a student studying in their dorm room

Here you will find tips and resources geared to help instructors guide students in their use of generative AI as a tool for learning.

AI generated image of a bookshelf with books on it

This page provides general resources, recommendations and articles regarding generative AI in higher education.


The above cards and their images were created using Microsoft Bing's AI art generator, Image Creator.


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 Last Modified 9/25/24