The CITL is excited to further support WKU faculty through the implementation of the Teaching Development Grant and Course (re)Development Grant. These two grants are designed to help faculty explore new directions in their teaching through the implementation of everything from smaller scale projects or practices to larger, longer-term course design initiatives. Regardless of the project, through this work we are looking to support and encourage faculty in their exploration of evidence based practice and scholarship that improves student learning and student success.
Course (re)Development Grants
The Course (re)Development Grants support faculty interested in designing or redesigning a course (of any modality) that they will be teaching in either the current or the following academic year.
Teaching Development Grants
Teaching Development Grants support faculty interested in designing or redesigning a course, trying something on a smaller scale in the classroom, participating in pedagogical training programs, or presenting their pedagogical work.
Online Course Quality Grant
The Online Course Quality Grant supports faculty teaching fully online courses in the development of online coursesthatdemonstratestandards in design, engagement, and accessibility.
Instructional Technology Tool Micro-Grant
The Instructional Technology Tool Micro-Grant is meant to support faculty in the experimentation of instructional technology use and integration in their teaching and learning practices.
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