Part-Time Faculty Resources
Part-time faculty are valued members of the WKU teaching and learning community. If you are new to WKU, we invite you to take a look at the Part-Time Faculty Guide from the Office of the Provost, where you will find invaluable information related to your employment at WKU.
Whether you are new to WKU or are a returning part-time faculty member, we have compiled the following resources that we think will be helpful to you as you prepare and teach your courses.
Teaching Resources
In addition to your department chair and colleagues, the Center for Innovative Teaching and Learning (CITL) is here as a resource and support for you as an instructor. Among other valuable resources, you will find the following on the CITL website:
- Events related to teaching and learning (if you see something you are interested in attending but have a time conflict, please email
- Video guides for creating instructional videos
- Tips on accessibility
- Resources for online and hybrid teaching
- Answers to questions such as “How do I create a user-friendly course?” or “How do I use Zoom?”
We encourage you to take a few minutes to orient yourself to the CITL website and we invite you to reach out with any questions at The CITL team is always happy to visit with you about your teaching and is here to assist you on everything from designing or adapting a course and teaching online to trouble-shooting an issue related to an assignment or situation in class.
Blackboard is WKU’s learning management system. If you are new to WKU, you will need to register for the ITS: Blackboard Ultra Training.
- Login to Blackboard with your WKU NetId.
- Click on My WKU BB on the left-hand menu.
- Self-enroll in the ITS: Blackboard Ultra Training.
The training is required to gain instructor access to create, populate, and teach on Blackboard or even to access some of Blackboard’s tools (eg., grade center, announcements, etc). If you would like help designing, developing, or implementing your course, or have questions related to Blackboard, please contact the CITL Instructional Design Team at
Other Important Resources and Processes
Grade Appeals & Registrar Information
Student Complaints Process and Ombuds Officer
Student Services Essential to Academic Success
Advising & Career Development Center (ACDC)