Scholarships - FAQ
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General Scholarship Questions
Scholarship offerings available at WKU are posted on the Department of Student Financial Assistance's website located at The WKU Scholarship Program provides freshmen and transfer awards to new undergraduate students who have achieved high academic standards. These scholarships are based upon academic merit and potential for superior achievement in college, not on financial need. Scholarship offers are limited and will be offered pending timely application and availability of funds.
Students interested in seeking a private grant or scholarship should check as many sources as possible including high school guidance offices, local clubs and civic organizations, businesses, employers, church groups, public libraries, alumni organizations and financial institutions. There are several web sites, such as NelNet Bank, that provide scholarship search services free of charge. In addition, public libraries are an excellent source of information on private scholarships. Many scholarships are not based on need, but rather on academic or other achievement.
Read the eligibility requirements of the scholarships you are interested in first. Save yourself time and energy by not applying for scholarships with qualifications you don’t match. If you meet the basic requirements for an award, apply! Apply to as many sources as possible. Be complete and concise, but also creative. Apply as far in advance as possible. Avoid spelling and grammatical errors; have someone else read and proofread your application before you send it off. Always apply for need-based financial aid first.
No. Only Composite ACT/SAT scores can be used for awards that require specific test scores.
KEES money isn't received until mid-September for Fall and mid-February for Spring. We submit enrollment to KHEAA after the 100% drop/add date. They have to verify enrollment before the money is released. The University knows this and will wait for these funds if they are being used to pay your bill.
The Teacher Scholarship will not change to an Accept until we receive the funds. All you need to do is be sure you have signed and returned the promissory note for the scholarship. Keep checking your TopNet account, and when the funds are received by WKU, the scholarship will reflect as paid.
Yes. If you are receiving any kind of financial aid from university or outside sources, you must report the scholarship to the Department of Student Financial Assistance. The university must adjust your financial aid package to account for the scholarship.
Private donor scholarship checks may be dropped off in person by the student (be sure to endorse if a joint check) in Potter Hall, Third Floor, or mailed to:
Western Kentucky University
ATTN: Scholarships Office
1906 College Heights Blvd. #11018
Bowling Green, KY 42101-1018
All students' combined financial resources must not exceed their federal Cost of Attendance Budget. In the event that a student receives more aid than their budget allows, aid may be adjusted to keep the student within federal regulations.
For instructions on how to accept a WKU Scholarship, please click here .
KEES Questions
You have five years after your high school graduation to utilize your 8 semesters worth of KEES eligibility before it expires.
At the end of a student’s first year of receiving KEES, he/she would need to have at least a 2.50 overall GPA to retain full KEES eligibility for the following year.
In certain instances, yes. If a student has a 3.0 GPA, then we do not look to see if the student is “on-track.” Instead, the student will get his/her full KEES award based on the credit hours enrolled.
If a student has a 2.5-2.99 GPA and is not "on-track," the student could potentially receive 50% of original KEES award if he/she is enrolled full-time.
These are the only two instances a student can receive a KEES award while not meeting the "on-track" requirement.
If a student loses his/her KEES eligibility when grades are checked at the end of each Spring semester, then the student would lose it for the entire following academic year. A student can regain his/her eligibility as long as his/her KEES award has not yet expired.
The student will need to send an email to if the student believes that he/she now meets the requirements and has regained eligibility for his/her KEES award. This is because GPA information is only sent to KHEAA for students that have received a KEES disbursement during the current academic year.
No, the only exception is if that school participates in the “Academic Common Market” (ACM). In order to determine this, you would need to check with KHEAA.
No, KHEAA will only disburse KEES for the semester in which you are attending. If you won’t be eligible the next semester due to graduating early, then you lose that semester.
You would need to check with KHEAA in regards to an extension; they are typically only granted to students in the military who were deployed.
No, your overall GPA and hours at the end of the Spring semester determines your eligibility for the next academic year. Likewise, if you’re currently eligible and your overall GPA goes down below 2.50 after Fall, you will not lose eligibility in the Spring.
No, summer courses would not affect next year’s eligibility. Eligibility is determined by your overall GPA and hours at the end of each Spring semester. Your summer courses wouldn’t affect your eligibility until the following Spring.
Yes, since you have five years from the date of your high school graduation to utilize your award, you can choose not to be paid your KEES anytime. You would need to email
As long as you are admitted into WKU as a Kentucky resident, you will be eligible to receive your KEES award. If you are admitted as anything other than a Kentucky resident, you will not be eligible.
Most likely you did not fill out a Consortium Agreement with the Department of Student Financial Assistance. KEES can only be paid at one school which is your home school. So, in order to count all your hours between both schools, you must fill out the Consortium Agreement that can be found in TopNet under the Financial Aid tab.
Either you registered for another class that brought you to a full-time status after the enrollment file was sent to KHEAA OR you are taking an On-Demand course that is bringing you to full-time.
If you registered for another class that brought you to a full-time status after the enrollment file was sent to KHEAA, you will need to contact
However, in order to receive the full amount of KEES when an On-Demand course brings you to full-time, you must fill out the On-Demand Financial Aid Agreement.
Student Financial Assistance
317 Potter HallWestern Kentucky University
1906 College Heights Blvd. #11018
Bowling Green, KY 42101-1018
Phone: 270-745-2755
Fax: 270-745-6586