Project Personnel
Project Director
Kathie Anderson, Kentucky Department of Education
Leann Pickerill, Kentucky Department of Education (Year 1)
Project Manager
Latonya Frazier, Jefferson County Schools
Dissemination and Professional Development
Dr. Julia Roberts, Western Kentucky University
Dr. Tracy Inman, Western Kentucky University
Dr. Mary Evans, Western Kentucky University
Dr. Jill Adelson, University of Louisville
Dr. Kate Snyder, University of Louisville
Dr. Haley York, Post-Doctoral Fellow, University of Louisville (Year 1 and 2)
Angela French-Coles, Certified Grant Support (Year 3)
Dr. Carol Horn, Fairfax County, Virginia, Schools
Dr. Jonathan Plucker, Johns Hopkins University

Project Schools
Gilmore Lane Elementary
Sam Cowen, Principal
King Elementary
Stephanie White, Principal
Shacklette Elementary
Kevin Garner, Principal
Watson Lane Elementary
Joshua Williams (Year 1 and 2)
Sean Russell, Principal (Year 3)
Zachary Taylor Elementary
Dwayne Roberts, Principal