Professional Development
In alignment with goal 2, to increase teacher understanding of the behaviors that correlate with high potential in underrepresented populations and enhance teacher professional practice to foster and support diverse learners and emerging talent, Western Kentucky University has provided the following professional development for the project:
- May 4, 2018: Sustaining the Vision (Download Documents)
- March, 2018: Finding Potential (Download Presentation)
August 28, 2017: The Excellence Gap (Download Presentation)
August 26, 2017: Project Reaching Academic Potential, KAGE Update 2017 (Download Presentation)
- July 24, 2017: Differentiating with RAFT (Download Presentation)
May 1, 2017: Project RAP: Next Steps (training for principals) (Download Presentation)
- March 3, 2017: Differentiation through Centers (Download Presentation)
January 26, 2017: The Challenges of Differentiating: From Classroom Management to Appropriately Challenging Learning Experiences
May 2, 2016: Training for principals on Gifted Characteristics and Cluster Grouping (Download Presentation)
June 1, 2016: Mentoring Mathematical Minds Training for teachers
June 2, 2016: Jacob’s Ladder Training for teachers and Planning for Young Scholars Summer Program (Download Presentation)
July 27, 2016: Nuts and Bolts of Differentiation for teachers (Download Presentation)
July 28, 2016: Differentiation in Mathematics for teachers
August 22, 2016: Bloom Charts, Rubrics, and Products for teachers
September 15, 2016: Differentiation in Mathematics for teachers
October 13, 2016: Symposium on Kentucky's children who are gifted and talented (Download Presentation)