Thinking About Retiring?
Below are recommended first steps that are intended to connect you with the most appropriate and knowledgeable resources to help you answer this very important and personal question.
- Go to Teachers’ Retirement System Kentucky (TRS) website
- Reference ‘Preparing for Retirement’ tab at the top of the page
- Speak with a TRS Retirement Counselor
- M-F, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. ET
- Call 1-800-618-1687
- TRS member self-service portal (Pathway)
- Go to Kentucky Public Pensions Authority (KPPA) / Kentucky Employees Retirement System (KERS) website
- Reference ‘Ready to Retire’ in the left-side menu
- Speak with a KPPA Retirement Counselor
- M-F, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. ET
- Main Office: 502-696-8800
- Toll Free: 1-800-928-4646
- KPPA member self-service portal
- WKU Optional Retirement Plan (ORP)
- Contact your investment provider/vendor to discuss post-employment options
- To request a withdrawal/transfer/loan:
- Log in to Retirement Manager
- Select desired transaction from the ‘I want to' dropdown menu and follow the system prompts.
- Print a copy of the Distribution Eligibility Certificate
- Submit the approved certificate and supporting paperwork, if applicable, to your investment provider/vendor for processing
- Retirement Manager support: 1-866-294-7950
Additional Resources
- COBRA Health Care Continuation Coverage
- Administrator: Employers Risk Services (ERS)
- ERS will send you information by mail related to the continuation of medical, dental, and vision benefits programs.
- ERS Contact: 270-529-1423
- Administrator: Employers Risk Services (ERS)
- Life Insurance Continuation of Coverage and Conversion
- Carrier: Lincoln Financial Group (LFG)
- Contact LFG for information about continuing or converting your WKU term life insurance policy
- LFG Contact: 800-423-2765
- Carrier: Lincoln Financial Group (LFG)