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Thursday, February 12th, 2015
Thursday, February 12th
9:00am - 12:00pm
  • Location: TPH 129
  • Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm

Visit the KIIS office with any questions about its 24 summer study abroad programs and over 100 course options in various academic disciplines. Scholarships and financial aid are available. All KIIS course credit is WKU credit (no transfer needed). 

For more info about KIIS Study Abroad, visit www.kiis.org

9:00am - 3:00pm
  • Location: EST 305
  • Time: 9:00am - 3:00pm

Come by for walk-in advising if you are interested in the KIIS Chile program, directed by WKU professor Dr. Keeling. The program offers Economics, Geography, Political Science, and Latin American Studies credit. Scholarships and financial aid are available.

More info: http://www.kiis.org/go/Chile.php

4:00pm - 5:30pm
  • Location: GH 138
  • Time: 4:00pm - 5:30pm

Join us for the first group Harlaxton advising session of the semester!  Enjoy and English style Tea Party while learning about the Harlaxton program and application process. A WKU Harlaxton student will be sharing an exciting story from abroad!

  • Location: Grise Hall 340
  • Time: 4:30pm

Information to be covered:

  1.        A general overview of the course and course expectations
  2.        A tentative itinerary of the in-country experience
  3.        Passport information, applications, and funding assistance
  4.        Information on and assistance with the general application process
  5.        Information on internal financial support and the application process relative to applying and receiving financial support
  6.        Financial Aid information
  7.        Critical application deadlines

More information about the program: http://wku-ip.terradotta.com/index.cfm?FuseAction=Programs.ViewProgram&Program_ID=11033





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 Last Modified 9/5/18