International Student - Tuition and Fees
*For 2024-2025 Academic Year (10 months) in U.S. Dollars
Tuition - $27,648
Living Expenses - $13,000
Health Insurance - $2,400
Total - $43,048*
Tuition - $17,154
Living Expenses - $13,000
Health Insurance - $2,400
Total - $32,554*
* Fee structure subject to change.
*As with any college or university, there are always additional unbilled costs: supplies,
entertainment, clothing, transportation, visit home for vacations, etc. The total
amount for unbilled costs varies depending on each student’s lifestyle. Additional mandatory fees apply depending on student’s registrations; students can
expect cost of attendance to rise by each year of enrollment.
Students cannot rely on campus employment to fund studies.
NOTE: Tuition and fees are also subject to change as are scholarship award amounts. For more details on student fees and tuition visit the Office of Student Billing & Account Services.
Financial ability must be demonstrated by providing an official copy of a bank statement showing enough funds for one year of study. If the bank statement is not your own it must be accompanied by an Affidavit of Support. E-mail financial evidence of support to
Persons receiving a scholarship may demonstrate financial ability by sending an original or certified copy of the award letter, including the amount of the scholarship or the expenses it covers.
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