Health & Insurance
Healthcare in the United States is very expensive. A simple visit to a doctor can cost hundreds of dollars and staying in the hospital for a couple of days may cost thousands. Therefore, health insurance is required at WKU for ALL international students. A MANDATORY health insurance plan offered by WKU is available to ALL international students. All of Western Kentucky University's international students are automatically enrolled in Academic Health Plans insurance and it will appear on your university bill. The cost of your health insurance is included in the amount shown on your I-20/DS-2019. Please do not purchase health insurance in your home country. Detailed information regarding the plan can be found at WKU Student Health Insurance Plan.
It only contains partial, general description of plan benefits and programs and does not constitute a contract. Covered expenses are subject to plan maximums, limitations and exclusions as described in the policy. The PPO network is Cigna.
- Go to
- Type in school name, "Western Kentucky University"
Type in your First Name, Last Name, Date of Birth and click the button “School Assigned ID”. In the field below, type in your 800# & Date of Birth.
Click Continue
The next page will ask you for an email address and then a password. Once you set up your account, you will be able to view/print a card and also request a card be sent to you.
Once logged in, you may select “Request Permanent ID Card” or “View or Print ID Card” a er clicking the “ID Card Information” link in the le navigation.
Depending on the services you receive, you may need to pay a deductible. This is the dollar amount you are required to pay before the insurance will pay. You should be prepared to pay this at the time of the visit. To learn more about how much this cost may be, CLICK HERE
Med Center Health @ WKU Health Services provides a one-stop shop and would be the most cost efficient for WKU students. Their services range from routine physicals and doctor visits to lab work, x-rays, immunizations, urgent care, sports medicine, health counseling, and annual exams. In some cases, you may need to pay a deductible as well as a copayment. A copayment is the dollar amount you must pay at the time of the service. This fee is in addition to your overall deductible. To learn more about your coverage options and estimated payments, CLICK HERE
2024-2025 Academic Year: $2,400
Definitions of Important Health Insurance Terms
If you have any questions or concerns about health insurance please e-mail