Mathematics Faculty & Staff

Dr. Melanie Autin
- Professor
- Professor
- COHH 4103
- Pronouns She | Her | Hers
Academic Bio
2007 Ph.D., Statistics, University of South Carolina
2005 M.S., Statistics, University of South Carolina
2002 B.S., Mathematics, Louisiana State University
Courses Taught at WKU
- BIOL 283: Introductory Biostatistics
- MATH 116: College Algebra
- MATH 183/203: Introductory Statistics / Statistics
- MATH 382/329: Probability & Statistics I
- MATH 482/429: Probability & Statistics II
- MATH 529: Applied Probability
- MATH 540: Stochastic Processes
- STAT 301: Introductory Probability and Applied Statistics
- STAT 330: Introduction to Statistical Software
- STAT 401: Regression Analysis
- STAT 402: Experimental Design
- STAT 549: Statistical Methods I
Dr. Autin's recent research focus has been in the area of statistics education, particularly in using non-traditional methods in teaching introductory statistics. Dr. Autin has also conducted research in the areas of sequential probability ratio tests, generalized additive models, false discovery rates, and mixture experiments.
Selected Publications
- Bateiha, S., Autin, M., and Marchionda, H. (2020). Teaching Style and Attitudes: A Comparison of Two Collegiate Introductory Statistics Classes. Journal of Statistics Education, 28:2, 154-164, DOI: 10.1080/10691898.2020.1765710.
- Autin, M.A. and Gerstenschlager, N.E. (2019). Battleship and the Negative Hypergeometric Distribution. Teaching Statistics: An International Journal for Teachers, 41: 3– 7.
- Marchionda, H. and Autin, M. (2016). Using Technology to Engage Students in Introductory Statistics. In Adolphson, K.V. and Olson, T.A. (Eds.). Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Meeting of the Research Council on Mathematics Learning. Orlando, FL.
- Marchionda, H., Autin, M., and Bateiha, S. (2014). The Effect of Instruction on Developing Autonomous Learners in a College Statistics Class. Annual Perspectives in Mathematics Education 2014: Using Research to Improve Instruction. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
- Autin, M., Marchionda, H., and Bateiha, S. (2014). Attitude Adjustment in Introductory Statistics. In Matney, G.T. and Che, S.M. (Eds.). Proceedings of the 41st Annual Meeting of the Research Council on Mathematics Learning. San Antonio, TX.
- Autin, M., Bateiha, S., and Marchionda, H. (2013). Power through Struggle in Introductory Statistics. PRIMUS: Problems, Resources, and Issues in Mathematics Undergraduate Studies, Vol 23(10), 935-948.
- Parody, R. J. and Autin, M. A. (2013). Confident Visualization Techniques in the Analysis of Mixture Experiments. International Journal of Experimental Design and Process Optimisation, Vol 3(3), 245-262.
- Autin, M., Bateiha, S., and Marchionda, H. (2012). Early Student Dissonance in Introductory Statistics. In Reeder, S.L. (Ed.). Proceedings of the 39th Annual Meeting of the Research Council on Mathematics Learning. Charlotte, NC.
- Bateiha, S., Autin, M., and Marchionda, H. (2012). A Systemic Approach to Teaching Mathematics for Social Justice with Preservice Teachers. In Reeder, S.L. (Ed.). Proceedings of the 39th Annual Meeting of the Research Council on Mathematics Learning. Charlotte, NC.
- Autin, M. A. and Edwards, D. (2010). Nonparametric harmonic regression for estuarine water quality data. Environmetrics, Vol 21(6), 588–605.
- Jaki, T. and Autin, M. A. (2009). Using a problem-based approach to teach statistics to postgraduate science students: a case study. MSOR Connections. Vol 9(2), 40-47.