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44th Annual WKU Mathematics Symposium

44th Annual Mathematics Symposium
Western Kentucky University

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November 8-9, 2024

Location: Ogden College Hall and Snell Hall

Time: TBD

[Schedule and Abstracts coming later]


Michael Dorff

Dr. Michael Dorff

Brigham Young University

Day/Time: TBD

Title: TBD

Abstract: TBD

Registration and Submission Information


Registration is free for the WKU Mathematics Symposium!

Submit an Abstract & Deadline

Simply send the abstracts to attila.por@wku.edu by DATE TBD including: 

  • Name of Presenter(s)
  • Affiliation(s)
  • Position(s): Undergraduate Student/Graduate Student/Gatton Student/Faculty/Other   
  • Title 
  • Abstract
What topics are discussed?

Other than the widely known areas of mathematics, any research project involving one of the following areas is a perfect fit for the symposium: Mathematical Medicine and Biology, Mathematical Physics, Mathematical Finance, Mathematical Econ, Game Theory, Mathematical Education, Statistics, Data Science and Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Scientific Computing, Probability and Stochastic Processes, Signal and Image Processing, Fluid Dynamics, Complex Systems and Network Science, and more!

What if the research is not finished?

Students who have started their research or creative scholarship but have not been able to complete their projects are also welcomed to submit and share their preliminary findings and anticipated results. 

Symposium Comittee

Chair of the Organizing Committee: Dr. Attila Por

Committee Members: Dr. Dominic Lanphier, Dr. Samangi Munashinge, Dr. Lan Nguyen, Dr. Ozkan Ozer, Dr. Richard Schugart

Sponsored by:

WKU Mathematics Department
Ogden College of Science & Engineering
Gatton Academy of Math & Science
WKU SIAM Student Chapter
WKU AMS Student Chaper

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 Last Modified 4/25/24