41st Annual WKU Mathematics Symposium Schedule and Abstracts
Schedule Overview
Free registration is available throughout the whole event and begins at 3:00pm. It is located on the 1st floor of Ogden College Hall. There will be free refreshments.
3:45 - 4:00pm
Dr. Kanita DuCloux, Interim Chair, Department of Mathematics
Dr. David Brown, Dean, Ogden College of Science and Engineering
4:00 - 5:15pm
Ogden College Hall Auditorium (see more information below)
5:15 - 6:35pm
Sessions will be in Ogden College Hall and Snell Hall. For specific information see below.
6:40 - 7:10pm
Pizza and refreshments will be served on the first floor of Snell Hall.
7:15 - 9:15pm
Sessions will be in Ogden College Hall and Snell Hall. For specific information see below.
Detailed Schedule
Session 1: SIAM Student Chapter of WKU Sponsored Session on Applied Mathemtaics and Computer Programming
Location: Ogden College Hall Auditorium
Chairs and Judges: Dr. Ferhan Atici, Lee Emanuel, Dr. Samangi Munasinghe, Dr. Ozkan Ozer
Notes: (GA) Gatton Academy High School Student, (U) Undergraduate Student, (G) Graduate Student, (P) Postdoctoral Fellow, (F) Faculty, (I) Industry, * denotes presenter
Each 15-minute talk follows with a 5-minute Q&A. The next presenter should set up the presentation towards the end of the Q&A.
Presenters: Eric Xing* (GA), Dr. Gongbo Liang (F)
Abstract: The performance of neural networks (NNs) on imaging-related tasks has improved dramatically
within the last decade. Exciting results have been reported on various tasks, including
disease diagnosis and autonomous driving. However, such results are usually based
on the overall performance of NNs, such as accuracy or F1 score for classification
tasks, which do not provide insight into the prediction forming mechanism. Specifically,
NNs usually produce a relatively stable performance on the same task across multiple
training trials. However, due to the black-box nature of NNs, the learned feature
spaces could differ significantly between training trials. We believe that the uncertainty
analysis of the learned feature space is equally important, if not more important,
than the analysis of overall model performance. Through this work, we propose to evaluate
the learned feature space using feature-attribution explanation methods in combination
with computational analysis and clustering analysis methods. We apply the method to
three popular convolutional neural network (CNN) architectures and the Vision Transformer
(ViT) architecture. We find that the learned feature spaces are easily separable between
different training trials of the same architecture with the same hyperparameter training
setting. We also find that pre-training and transfer learning can be used to mitigate
the inconsistency between training trails. Based on this finding, we propose an Averaged
Training (AT) schema. We demonstrate the AT schema on the ViT model and show the method
has effectively reduced the gaps between the learned feature space.
Presenters: DJ Price* (I)
Abstract: In the practice of software engineering, the main objective of the job is not necessarily always to write code. In large software systems, there can easily be hundreds of thousands of lines of code with only a handful of engineers to look at and work on the code. A mindset should be developed for the readability and scalability of code that is written and this should often (though not always) be prioritized over code that is sleek or full of assumptions. These principles will be illustrated in a broader context of other programming languages but specific attention will be given to the Mathematica programming environment.
Presenters: Logan Stewart* (GA), Trey Crouch* (U), Matthew Poynter (U), Ahmet Kaan Aydin (G), Dr. Ozkan Ozer (F)
Abstract: A one-dimensional wave equation, describing vibrations on a clamped-free string, is considered. The corresponding partial differential equation (PDE) is known to be fully controllable by a boundary feedback controller (force) applied at the tip of a string. However, its well-known space-discretized approximations (a system of difference differential equations) by Finite Differences or Finite Elements are not fully controllable without proper filtering of the numerical scheme. It is simply due to the artificial high-frequency vibrational modes caused by the blind use of these approximations. To avoid the discrepancy, an indirect filtering technique is adopted to retain the controllability, mimicking the PDE-counterpart. Moreover, an alternate order-reduced numerical scheme, utilizing a clever use of Finite Differences without filtering, is also introduced for comparison. Approximate solutions are built to where all control parameters can be controlled, as well as being able to set different types of initial conditions, such as sinusoidal, box-type, and sawtooth wave, with low or high frequencies. All parameters can be manipulated via a Mathematica program (called a Wolfram Demonstration). We were able to find that the results from the numerical schemes happened to match what was happening in the real world. All three approximation techniques are compared side-by-side in terms their computational costs during the presentation. This research is funded by KY NSF EPSCoR grant #3200002692-22-08.
Presenter: Nikhil Akula* (GA), Anish Penmecha* (GA)
Abstract: In this talk, we present a demo of our UNO card game. In this project, we created a single player mode, where the user plays against the computer and a multiplayer mode where the user can locally play UNO with other people. The UNO card game will allow human players along with a culmination of AI players. The UNO card game can be played by a minimum of 2 players and a maximum of 10 players. The user indicates how many players will be playing and our program deals out that many hands. We are going to show:
- The heuristic programming of our UNO solver, where we showcase the computer playing against a human player. This talk includes several graphics generated using Mathematica.
- We also show the UNO card generator, which can create any UNO card using only Mathematica
graphics primitives.
Presenter: Sahil Chhabra* (GA), Dr. Huanjing Wang* (F)
Abstract: This simulation shows the motion of a ball on a curved ramp and the ball’s motion in the air after leaving the ramp. The shape of the ramp is controlled by the user. For the sake of simplicity, the only force on the ball that is taken into account is the force of gravity. Air resistance and friction are neglected. The total horizontal and vertical distance that the ball travels and the ball’s maximum height are calculated. The user can enter answers for these values and compare them to the actual distances traveled and height reached by the ball. To aid in the learning process, step-by-step solutions that explain how to determine each value can be displayed. This model can help its users visualize and conceptualize physics principles, namely kinematics and energy, at work in the real world using a ball on a ramp as an example.
Presenter: Matthew Poynter* (U), Logan Stewart (GA), Trey Crouch (U), Ahmet Kaan Aydin (G), Dr. Ozkan Ozer (F)
Abstract: We consider the problem of simulating vibrations in a perfectly bonded three-layer
beam, consisting of stiff outer layers and a viscoelastic core layer. The core layer
is allowed to have a shear. The vibrational interactions between the shear of the
middle layer and the overall bending motion is governed by a system of Partial Differential
equations (PDEs). The system is known to be uniformly observable by a suitable sensor
design at the tip of the beam. However, to obtain numerical results for any particular
system, the system of PDEs must first be discretized by known methods, such as Finite
Differences, and these discretizations fail to preserve the desirable observability
property, and typically fail to match physical models. To remedy this, we consider
modifying the blind use of the Finite Difference method, by the addition of a numerical
filtering (viscosity) term to the discretization. To demonstrate this technique, we
built a Mathematica program that allows a user to manipulate initial conditions and
relevant constants, including material properties, control parameters, and a choice
of a variety of initial conditions, single box and pinch-type discontinuities, as
well as sinusoidal, sawtooth- type, square-type, and triangle-type waveforms, with
variable frequencies. The demonstrations and codes being used in the presentation
will be submitted for publication at the Wolfram’ Demonstration Project website.
This project is sponsored via KY NSF EPSCoR grant #3200002692-22-08.
Presenter: Kaaustaaub Shankar* (GA), Matthew Pimienta* (GA)
Abstract: Using the surface of a genus two structure and topology, we were able to create unique version of minesweeper played on an octagon tiled with 45-67.5-67.5 isosceles triangles. Previous solving approaches based on normal Minesweeper treated the game as a constraint satisfaction problem by representing the game as a linear system of equations. In this version, the approach is modified to work on this new, seemingly more complex version of Minesweeper. After running some tests with the solver, we suspect that this version is more solvable than normal Minesweeper in that less guesses are needed.
Presenter: Justin H. Mills* (G), Dr. Uta Ziegler (F)
Abstract: Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) have many use cases with both commercial and noncommercial applications so any increase in their efficiency would be of a major benefit. One way to gain this benefit is to optimize the topology of the ANN, which involves reducing the size while retaining acceptable levels of performance. This presentation will explain basic ANN concepts along with two methods of selecting promising starting topology, one method was published in 1994 and the other in 2020. If time permits the data sets and experiments which will be used to evaluate the methods will be covered. This presentation describes a work in progress.
Presenter: Hank Helmers* (GA), Dr. Huanjing Wang (F)
Abstract: With the popularization of digital marketing and services such as Amazon, online shopping has become an almost daily occurrence for many. In our research, we are exploring data collected during customer’s online-shopping sessions, to better predict customer’s purchases, and understand the data produced during online-shopping. The dataset we used contains 18 features, some of which include, Page Value, Exit Rate, Bounce Rate, etc. These features were collected during real customers’ online-shopping purchases and because of this, it may provide redundant information or have an adverse effect on the prediction model. Feature selection is a technique used to reduce a feature subset to an optimal size. Thus, using feature selection techniques would allow us to make an intelligent selection of the most influential features for our prediction, prior to building classification models, which may improve the result of whether a customer’s time on the website will end in a purchase. We utilized the Waikato Environment for Knowledge Analysis (WEKA) data mining tool in both the feature selection and classification algorithms to explore our data. The feature selection methods we tested include Information Gain, Pearson’s Correlation, Gain Ratio, ReliefF, and OneR Evaluations. In addition, three classifiers (Multilayer Perceptron, K-Nearest Neighbor, and Decision Tree) were tested and used to build classification models with the selected attributes to predict customer’s purchase intent. Results demonstrate that the Information Gain feature selection algorithm performed best and the ReliefF algorithm performed the worst. In addition, the model built with the Multilayer Perceptron classifier performed best. This leads us to recommend the use of Information Gain algorithm to select feature subsets and the Multilayer Perceptron classifier for building prediction models due to its time efficiency and accuracy with the selected features.
Presenter: Allen Lin* (GA), Dr. Sarah Tamnen (F)
Abstract: Circular symmetrization, a procedure first introduced by Pólya and Szegö, has applications to isoperimetric problems in various settings because it is known to reduce perimeter of a region. The original proof that this symmetrization procedure reduces perimeter uses calculus of variations. We present an elementary proof (without using calculus of variations) that circular symmetrization reduces the diameter of a shape in the Cartesian plane. We also present the images of certain shapes after circular symmetrization. This research was conducted at the Research Science Institute (RSI) during the summer of 2021.
Session 2: Applied Analysis with an Emphasis on PDEs, ODEs, Control, and Stability
Location: Snell Hall 1103
Chairs: Dr. Mikhail Khenner, Dr. Mark Robinson
Notes: (GA) Gatton Academy High School Student, (U) Undergraduate Student, (G) Graduate Student, (P) Postdoctoral Fellow, (F) Faculty, (I) Industry, * denotes presenter
Each 15-minute talk follows with a 5-minute Q&A. The next presenter should set up the presentation towards the end of the Q&A.
Presenters: Dr. Jose Henrique Rodrigues* (P), Madhumita Roy (G)
Abstract: In this talk we shall consider the following semi-linear wave model:
Similar models with simpler nonlinear boundary terms have been already studied broadly whereas the generosity of our model is not only the presence of nonlinear damping but also the nonlinear boundary source f1, which makes the problem heavily nonlinear and even more realistic. It is first shown that, the model is Hadamard well-posed, which allow us to establish an evolution operator in the phase space. In addition, we shall provide an answer regarding the long-term dynamics of the corresponding trajectories namely the compact global attractor.
Presenters: Dr. Lan Nguyen* (F)
Abstract: Given a real-valued exponential function 𝑓(𝑡) = exp(𝑎𝑡), then we think of its characteristics such as 𝑓′(𝑡) = 𝑎𝑓(𝑡), 𝑓(𝑡 + 𝑠) = 𝑓(𝑡)𝑓(𝑠) and the Taylor expansion of 𝑓(𝑡). Using these characteristics, we generalize the concept of exponential functions, when their range is in other spaces like complex plane, n-dimensional, or even infinitely dimensional spaces. That leads us to introduce the semigroup of linear operators. Applications to partial differential equations are also discussed.
Presenters: Ahmet Kaan Adyin* (G), Dr. Ozkan Ozer (F)
Abstract: The set of partial differential equations describing vibrations on a three-layer Mead-Marcus beam model, consisting of piezoelectric or elastic outer layers constraining a compliant viscoelastic layer, is considered. This model fully describes uniform transverse vibrations (bending) of the perfectly bonded beam as well as the shear due to the compliant layer. The eigenvalues, and in particular, the uniform gap among the eigenvalues of the model with hinged boundary conditions is proved to be written in terms of the ones of the single-layer standard Euler-Bernoulli beam model. Therefore, this comparison allows that the three-layer beam model can be considered as a perturbation of the single-layer beam model. A variation of Ingham’s inequality known as Haraux’s inequality is utilized to show the uniform observability result of the model with a single boundary sensor, which is, the sensor data allows to fully describe the motion on the beam. Next, space- discretized Finite-Difference approximations of the model are considered to mimic this behavior, yet it is shown that the approximated model is not able to retain the uniform observability due to high-frequency spurious eigenvalues generated by these approximations. To obtain a uniform observability result with the same sensor design, the spurious eigenvalues of the approximated model are filtered by the so-called Direct Fourier filtering method. After filtering, the approximated solution space uniformly converges to the whole infinite-dimensional solution space as the mesh parameter goes to zero. This research is funded by KY NSF EPSCoR grant #3200002692-22-08.
Presenter: Dr. Mikhail Khnner* (F), Lars Hebenstiel (U)
Abstract: Monolayer graphene is a 2D honeycomb lattice of carbon atoms. Bilayer graphene with a top layer rotated with respect to a bottom layer, or vice versa, typically forms a periodically corrugated surface called a Moiré superlattice. This surface presents a complex potential energy landscape for diffusion of deposited atoms or molecules, which can be exploited to assemble nanoclusters with well-defined positions and sizes. We constructed Moiré superlattices and corresponding potentials in Mathematica for various values of a twist angle and strain, and followed with a formulation of a nonlinear, fourth-order diffusion PDE for atoms deposited on a Moiré. Next, we determined a quasi-2D steady-state nanocluster distributions by analytically solving a set of ODE BVPs in one spatial dimension. Finally, we used Mathematica’s built-in solvers to compute solutions of a full, 2D nonlinear diffusion problem and determined the kinetics of approaching a steady-state distributions.
Presenter: Ahmet Kaan Adyin* (G), Dr. Ozkan Ozer (F)
Abstract: A perfectly bonded clamped-free three-layer beam, consisting of piezoelectric or elastic outer layers constraining a compliant viscoelastic layer, is considered. This model fully describes uniform transverse vibrations (bending) as well as the shear due to the compliant layer. On the contrary to the PDE model with hinged boundary conditions in the other talk; the eigenvalue-based Fourier techniques are not appropriate to spectrally analyze the PDE model with clamped-free boundary conditions. Therefore, the technique so-called the “multipliers" is utilized to show the uniform observability (sensor design) of the PDE model with a single boundary sensor, which is, the sensor data allows to fully describe the motion on the beam. For the approximations of the PDE, different from the classical use of Finite-Differences, an equivalent first order formulation is considered. This leads to an order-reduced Finite Difference approximations by the implementation of average operators using auxiliary middle nodes in the uniform meshing. By this novel approximation method, a new variation of the boundary equations is obtained. The energy of the approximated model is defined appropriately, and shown to be conservative mimicking the PDE model. Open problems will be discussed. This research is funded by KY NSF EPSCoR grant #3200002692-22-08.
Presenter: Dr. Mark Robinson* (F)
Abstract: In this presentation, several useful techniques of numerical integration are considered. These include two methods typically introduced in elementary calculus classes: the trapezoidal rule and Simpson's rule, for approximating the definite integral of a continuous function over a closed and bounded interval. An additional method considered is Gaussian quadrature, a highly accurate method for approximating definite integrals for which an explicit formula for the integrand is available. Gaussian quadrature involves computing a linear combination of function values selected in such a way as to maximize the degree of precision of the approximation formula. This method is examined both in the single-variable case and also for approximating multiple integrals.
Presenter: Dr. Jose Henrique Rodrigues* (P)
Abstract: In this talk we are going to consider a system of interactions in a 3D acoustic medium (bounded domain) and its structural wall (boundary). The dynamics in the acoustic medium are given by a linear wave equation with locally distributed boundary dissipation and coupling term, while the interaction happening on the structural wall (portion of the boundary) are given by a 2D Kirchhoff-Boussinesq plate equation, subject to linear dissipation. Our main goal is to establish the existence of global attractors for the corresponding acoustic- structural system.
Presenter: Alex Driehaus* (U), Dr. Ozkan Ozer (F)
Abstract: The partial differential equations (PDE) model governing the energy in an oscillating piezoelectric smart beam will be discussed, with an emphasis on closed-loop stabilization of the beam through the sensor placed at the tip of beam, reading out the tip velocity and the total current. Piezoelectric materials produce electrical energy when a mechanical force is applied. This property makes piezoelectric materials desirable for multiple purposes, including the use of quartz crystals in the production of some nano materials, and some electronic devices. Consider a beam of such a material. This beam clamped at one end is free at the other to oscillate longitudinally. Transverse oscillations are not of interest in this case, so the focus will be on longitudinal vibrations and the movement of charges within the beam itself. Due to the uniform observability property of the beam, proved in [Wilson, Ozer, GAPA, 2021], readings of tip velocity and the total current after a proper exposure time are sufficient to reconstruct the behavior of the entire beam. So, a controller (an actuator) at the free end of the beam can be designed by the so-called filtered Finite Difference method to generate desired stability behavior in the beam as a whole. The process of determining the optimal feedback gains and damping rate will be discussed, through the use of oscillations in a string. The practices used to model this situation will then be utilized for the discretized partial differential equation model of a piezoelectric beam. This research is funded by KY NSF EPSCoR grant #3200002692-22-08.
Presenter: Md Fayaz Ahamed* (G), Dr. Thomas Hagen (F)
Abstract: Blown film extrusion is the most common process to produce plastic films. Mathematical models for film blowing are given by nonlinear, coupled boundary value problems involving free parameters that have to be found as a part of the solution. The problem can be formulated with the liquid bubble treated within a quasi- cylindrical setting or via a thin-shell approximation. In the former formulation, stationary solutions can be found in near-explicit form. The latter formulation leads to a nonlinear system of first-order ODEs with boundary conditions that can only be satisfied for appropriate choices of the model parameters. In how far such choices can be made successfully is the central theme of this work.
Presenter: Rasika Mahawattege* (G), Dr. James Nutaro (I)
Abstract: Computer simulation of a system described by differential equations requires that some elements of the system be approximated by discrete quantities. There are two system aspects that can be made discrete; time and state. When time is discrete, the differential equation is approximated by a difference equation and solution is calculated at fixed points in time. When the state is discrete, the differential equation is approximated by a discrete event system. Here we introduce a novel second order state discretization method for the first order linear differential equations. This research was supported in part by an appointment with the National Science Foundation (NSF) Mathematical Sciences Graduate Internship (MSGI) Program sponsored by the NSF Division of Mathematical Sciences. This program is administered by the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) through an interagency agreement between the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and NSF. ORISE is managed for DOE by ORAU. All opinions expressed in this paper are the author's and do not necessarily reflect the policies and views of NSF, ORAU/ORISE, or DOE.
Session 3: Statistics, Probability, Mathematical Biology, and Mathematics Education
Location: Snell Hall 1101
Chairs: Dr. Lukun Zheng, Dr. Ngoc Nguyen
Notes: (GA) Gatton Academy High School Student, (U) Undergraduate Student, (G) Graduate Student, (P) Postdoctoral Fellow, (F) Faculty, (I) Industry, * denotes presenter
Each 15-minute talk follows with a 5-minute Q&A. The next presenter should set up the presentation towards the end of the Q&A.
Presenters: Daniel Plaugher* (G), Dr. David Murrugarra (F)
Abstract: Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma (PDAC) is widely known for its poor prognosis because it is often diagnosed when the cancer is in a later stage. We built a model to analyze the microenvironment of pancreatic cancer in order to better understand the interplay between pancreatic cancer, stellate cells, and their signaling cytokines. Specifically, we have used our model to study the impact of inducing four common mutations: KRAS, TP53, SMAD4, and CDKN2A. After implementing the various mutation combinations, we used our stochastic simulator to derive aggressiveness scores based on simulated attractor probabilities and long-term trajectory approximations. These aggression scores were then corroborated with clinical data. Moreover, we found sets of control targets that are effective among common mutations. These control sets contain nodes within both the pancreatic cancer cell and the pancreatic stellate cell, including PIP3, RAF, PIK3 and BAX in the pancreatic cancer cell as well as ERK and PIK3 in the pancreatic stellate cell. Many of these nodes were found to be differentially expressed among pancreatic cancer patients in the TCGA database. Furthermore, literature suggests that many of these nodes can be targeted by drugs currently in circulation. The results herein help provide a proof of concept in the path towards personalized medicine through a means of mathematical systems biology.
Presenters: Timothy Penn* (U), Dr. Shane Palmquist (F)
Abstract: As engineers, we are expected to innovate and improve but in education, there can be no innovation without challenging the means, methods, and foundations of accumulated knowledge. As innovations in technology accelerate, the landscape of education will continue to evolve and adapt as the world’s knowledge pool becomes wider and deeper. Innovation in technology in education were typically physical device advancements like the printing press, slide ruler, calculators, computers, laptops, and tablets. Now innovation in technology for education is about accessibility and presentation of information for instance the internet, YouTube, Google, apps, digital textbooks and so forth. A question can be answered in seconds but often instead of asking how or why, answers are accepted and applied as fact. At the root of engineering education is applied mathematics. Innovation in mathematics have been developing for thousands of years. Many advancements in mathematics have been met with fierce opposition. People have given their lives in the pursuit of furthering mathematics even when piers strongly opposed their work. Imaginary numbers were thought to be meaningless but are now a staple to solve real world problems. Imaginary numbers are needed in mathematics, science, and engineering to solve quadratics, understand electric circuits, and problems in applied mechanics. Our number system still remains undefined in places, such as division by zero, and indeterminate in other places. To this day, nonfinite numbers are less understood than finite numbers despite the ground-breaking work of Prof. Dr. Georg Cantor at the end of the 19th century who proved differing sizes of infinity exist. The educational trends of the future are yet to be determined but with the amount of information available and accessible, it is time to start asking the tough questions again to find out where they will take us. Mathematics, specifically numbers, is a good place to restart and discover what is next.
Presenters: Peyton Erslan* (U), Dr. Lukun Zheng (F)
Abstract: In ecology, species adapt and take on different roles in their environments by their niches, whether they be spatial, trophic, or multidimensional. Within such an environment, we find certain species in greater and lesser abundance with many factors in play such as physical effects, predation, and more importantly accordance with similar niches. This results in a correlation among the abundances and niche similarities in a specific species of the environment. By observing niche hierarchical models and species abundance lists, we can document the correspondence between the two. Using these two factors, we can find where the line of proportional abundance falls, and how it can be calculated within a species abundance distribution (SAD) correlated with such similar niches. We can observe the niche patterns of a singular species in real and simulated data sets and use these to estimate the line with various distribution methods.
Presenter: Dr. Lukun Zheng* (F), Dr. Ngoc Nguyen* (F)
Abstract: In this talk, we propose a new goodness-of-fit test based on energy statistics for copulas with dynamic marginal distributions. The marginal distributions are estimated parametrically first and then the copula likelihood conditional on the estimated marginals are maximized to get estimates of the copula. Under some regularity assumptions, the distribution of the energy test statistic is derived under the null hypothesis. A numerical algorithm is developed for the computation of the energy statistic. Our test performs well based on several Monte Carlo simulations. Finally, an empirical application on exchange rates is provided.
Presenter: Lauren Sotingeanu* (GA), Samirah Salifu* (GA)
Abstract: With a combination of computer science and differential equations, Influenza-A and COVID-19 viruses were modeled in an interactive simulation to educate users about how viruses operate in the human body. Lotka- Volterra equations were used to create manipulatable graphs that show how viral titer and progression of days affect initial infection periods. The simulation also allows the user to go through an interactive human body anatomy model that reveals physical symptoms of the virus progress according to time. The acute and class models of Influenza-A are represented, while only the acute version of COVID-19 is shown due to limited research information on the new virus. In the manipulatable graphs, users can change the number of days, initial viral titer, infection rate, and virus production rate. The Disease Progression Simulator displays the similarities and differences of symptoms, infection period, and infection rate between Influenza-A and COVID-19.
Presenter: Dr. Lukun Zheng* (F), Dr. Melanie Autin* (F)
Abstract: The classic coupon collector problem is stated as follows: Given that a collector randomly receives a coupon each run, how may runs are necessary to collect a complete set of n different coupons? Many different generalizations of this problem have been proposed and studied. However, all these generalizations assume that the coupons never expire, which, in practice, is rarely true. In this talk, we present an analysis of a generalized version of the coupon collector problem, in which a coupon will expire R runs after receiving it.
Presenter: Brian Nguyen* (GA), Dr. Richard Schugart (F)
Abstract: The healing of chronic wounds is regulated by the biological interactions between the substrate matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), the tissue inhibitors of MMPs (TIMPS), and the extracellular matrix (ECM). Expression of MMPs play a role in degradation of substrates in the ECM essential for formation of new epithelium. A current issue of wound healing is the construction of a model that properly encapsulates all the primary factors that facilitate it. This work aims to extend, modify, and analyze the current mathematical model describing these biological interactions between MMPs, TIMPs, ECM, and additional inflammatory cells. Multiple steady state analyses were conducted on various progressions of the model. Using the data obtained from these analyses, the model was modified to improve the biological accuracy of the interactions. A structural identifiability test was then conducted on the final model to gain insight on the internal structure of the system by assessing determinable parameters. Using de-identified patient data, the model was curve-fitted via MONOLIX’s Stochastic Approximation Expectation Maximization (SAEM) method. Results will be presented.
Presenter: Dr. Thomas Jai Gross* (F)
Abstract: Peer-led learning communities have the potential to promote successful biology course
completion for African American students (PLC). However, appraising the effects of
the PLCs compared to instruction as usual (IAU) groups can be complex in quasi-experimental
designs. Some have advocated for regression-based models, such as analysis of covariance
(ANCOVA), where covarying on participant characteristics without covarying pretest
performance might be useful for understanding the comparative slopes; whereas, other
ANCOVA approaches suggest covarying pretest scores are need to account for the variance
related to unknown differences between groups (Dimitrov & Rumrill, 2003; Theobald
& Freeman, 2014). The purpose of the presentation is to examine how conclusions might
vary using a PLC program’s data compared to control groups when using pretest covaried
ANCOVA to a mixed model ANCOVA. First, separate mixed-model analyses of covariance
(ANCOVA) were used to compare the PLC group to an IAU group for pre-post biology quiz
outcomes, and to compare the PLC group to an IAU group for pre-post algebra quiz outcomes.
Covariates included course instructor and high school GPA. Second, separate ANCOVA
that covaried for pretest scores, course instructor, and high school GPA were used
to compare the PLC group to an IAU group for post biology quiz outcomes, and to compare
the PLC group to an IAU group for post algebra quiz outcomes. Both analyses indicated
that the PLC intervention resulted in improved outcomes for the treatment group (p
≤ .001). However, there were slight differences in proportion of variance accounted
for in the omnibus tests and medium difference between the effects for pairwise comparisons.
Implications for analysis planning will be discussed.
Presenter: Dr. Lukun Zheng* (F)
Abstract: Video game covers and textual descriptions are usually the very first impression to its consumers and they often convey important information about the video games. Video game genre classification based on its cover and textual description would be utterly beneficial to many modern identification, collocation, and retrieval systems. In this talk, we propose a multi-modal deep learning framework to solve this problem.
Session 4: Pure and Applicable Pure Mathematics
Location: Snell Hall 1108
Chairs: Dr. Claus Ernst, Dr. Attila Por, Dr. Tom Richmond
Notes: (GA) Gatton Academy High School Student, (U) Undergraduate Student, (G) Graduate Student, (P) Postdoctoral Fellow, (F) Faculty, (I) Industry, * denotes presenter
Each 15-minute talk follows with a 5-minute Q&A. The next presenter should set up the presentation towards the end of the Q&A.
Presenters: Katie Bruegge* (G), Dr. Benjamin Braun (F)
Abstract: Lattice polytopes defined from graphs are a subject of extensive study in combinatorics. One such class of lattice polytopes is symmetric edge polytopes (SEPs), also called adjacency polytopes. Recent study of SEPs has been motivated by a deceptively simple question: How does the structure of a graph affect the number of facets of its polytope? As often occurs in mathematics, this question has surprisingly complex answers. In this talk, we will define symmetric edge polytopes, describe the machinery we have to count their facets, and discuss recent theoretical and computational results regarding “facet-maximizing” graphs in several graph families.
Presenters: Allen Lin* (GA), Dr. Dominic Lanphier (F)
Abstract: We study several classes of Dirichlet series, some of which were studied by Shimura, Choi, and others. We prove the meromorphic continuation of the series. We generalize results of Choi by relating values of some series to values of other, related series. We prove closed formulas of these Dirichlet series and relate them to combinatorial numbers.
Presenters: Angel Hanson* (G), Dr. Dave Jensen (F)
Abstract: Tropical geometry is a young specialty within algebraic geometry which uses combinatorial techniques to solve algebraic problems. In this talk, we will define the transformation of a curve to a graph. Then we will explore a process called chip firing which gives us tropical notions of algebraic vocabulary. Time permitting, we will look at some particularly interesting graphs and what their properties tell us about their algebraic source.
Presenter: Dr. Claus Ernst* (F)
Abstract: What is a random polygon? What is the probability that such an object contains a knot? Some basic concepts are explained with lots of pictures.
Presenter: Dr. Tom Richmond* (F)
Abstract: Suppose p(x) is a polynomial with integer coefficients. The rational root theorem tells us whether
or not it has rational roots. We give a condition to guarantee it has no integer roots.
We show that if |p(n)| is prime for enough integers n, then p(x) cannot be factored. We discuss polynomials with real coefficients which map every
integer to an integer.
Presenter: Allen Lin* (GA), Aidan Kash* (U)
Abstract: A fractal is a subset of Euclidean space that repeatedly self-images for an infinite number of recursions. Fractals are repeated patterns, which makes certain subsets of the fractal self-similar to other subsets of the same fractal. This creates an infinitely complex shape with cool properties. We created an interactive "Create Your Own Fractal" program in Wolfram Mathematica using Lindenmayer systems and geometry. Our program allows a user to create predesigned fractals like Koch’s snowflake and Sierpiński’s triangle as well as to design their own fractals based on various parameters such as different graphics options, type of fractal, and iteration number.
Presenter: Dr. Atilla Por* (F)
Abstract: We describe some open problems in combinatorial geometry and geometric Ramsey theory. A type, or orientation is a function of finite range over sequences of geometric objects, typically points, but also k-flats and convex sets. A type or orientation is universal if arbitrary long sequences exist with every subset of proper size having the same type/orientation.
Presenter: DJ Price* (I), Dr. Claus Ernst (F)
Abstract: Throughout the study of Knot Theory, there have been several programmatic solutions to common problems or questions. These solutions have included software to draw knots, software to identify knots, or online databases to look up pre-computed data about knots. We introduce a novel prototype of software used to study knots and links by using Virtual Reality. This software can allow researchers to draw links in 3D, run physics simulations on them, and identify them. This technique has not yet been rigorously explored and we believe it will be of great interest to Knot Theory researchers. The computer code is written in C# and all code has been made publicly available.
Presenter: Courtney B. George* (G), Dr. Christopher Manon (F)
Abstract: Mori dream spaces behave in a really nice, predictable way, making them desirable spaces to have. However, there isn't a complete classification of which spaces are allowed to call themselves "Mori dream." So, the search is on! In this talk, I'll explain what a Mori dream space is and why it may be nice to have one, ending with some examples, counterexamples, and directions for future work.