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Hilltopper Summer Music Camp

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Join us for the third season of the WKU Hilltopper Summer Music Camp and spend an exciting week of study with our distinguished music faculty. From Sunday afternoon registration through the end of camp on Friday, campers will enjoy a nonstop mix of ensemble rehearsals, private lessons and sectional rehearsals, structured recreation, evening entertainment and social activities, and a finale concert on Friday evening.


June 8-13, 2025



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For Instrumentalists Grades 9-12 who have completed one year or more of high school concert band.

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For Instrumentalists Grades 6-8 with at least one year of Middle School Band experience

Western Kentucky University

For instrumentalists in Grade 6 that have just completed one year of Middle School Band.

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For Pianists in Grades 6-12 with at least 2 years of experience.

*All camper tracks are according to last grade completed by Summer 2024*






Western Kentucky University (WKU) is a student-centered, applied-research institution committed to providing its students with a transformative academic and social experience and to elevating its surrounding communities. Founded in 1906, WKU is the second largest undergraduate institution in the Commonwealth of Kentucky with approximately 15,035 students. Located 65 miles north of Nashville, TN, and just over 100 miles south of Louisville, KY, Bowling Green, KY is home to approximately 70,000 residents. Our population is ethnically diverse, with more than 85 languages spoken in and around Bowling Green, and people from 35 nationalities call our community home.



Campers will enjoy the use of state-of-the-art facilities while at WKU.  Music Camp rehearsals and activities will also be housed in the Music Hall and Ivan Wilson Fine Arts Center, which include classrooms, faculty studios, two large rehearsal halls, percussion studio, practice rooms, instrument storage and library space, a computer lab, a MIDI keyboard lab, and a recital hall.

Comprehensive recreation facilities will be available to campers, including a swimming pool, basketball courts, tennis courts, volleyball courts, ping-pong, lounge and snack bar areas in the Preston Recreation Center. Each band and orchestra student will be expected to furnish his or her own instrument and bring a folding metal music stand.  Only concert percussion equipment and pianos will be available from the WKU Department of Music.



Piano Camp will be available to students from grades 6 through 12 who have performed on piano for at least two years.  Instruction in technique, literature, musicianship, ensemble performance and theory will be a part of the camp. Each piano camp student will receive four half-hour private lessons during the camp. Total price for the Piano Camp is $50, which includes lessons. Piano campers should bring at least three pieces of standard literature (no pop arrangements, please) to camp, two of which should be performance ready.



Private Lessons are available on each instrument and piano.  The fee for a half-hour lesson is $25 and may be elected by any camp student.  Full hour lessons are available to students in grades 8-12, and the cost is $50.  (Private lessons are required for piano campers.)  Band students with previous piano experience, regardless of age, may elect to receive a one hour piano lesson in addition to instrumental lessons. The fee for a one hour piano lesson for band students is $50.



Dorm campers will be housed in WKU residence halls.  Both dorm and day campers will eat all meals in the Fresh Foods.  Dorm campers must bring their own sheets, towels and pillow from home.  Campers will be housed two per room in a traditional dorm setting.  Friends who wish to room together should indicate their roommate preference on the application. Housing for Friday  night, at the end of camp, is not provided.

Meals begin Sunday evening after check-in and end with Lunch  on Friday - 15 meals in all.  All meals will be served cafeteria style, and students will be allowed to eat as much as they wish at every meal with a wide variety of choices. While staying in the residence halls and during all hours of day camp, all campers will be under the careful supervision of the Camp Staff.  Counselors will live in the residence halls and assist with all rehearsals and daytime activities in order to closely monitor all aspects of camp life.



In the event of an illness or injury to a camper, the staff will contact parents and escort that student to the health care facility of choice for prompt, professional medical care. Several fine facilities are close to campus, including the Medical Center and walk-in clinics. Costs resulting from medical care, medication, x-rays, or lab work are the responsibility of the parent. In the unlikely event that a student would need hospital care, immediate transportation would be arranged. Costs resulting from hospital treatment are the responsibility of the parent.



After your application has been received and accepted, we will forward additional material to you. This will include check-in times on Sunday afternoon, what to bring, a medical history and permission for treatment form, a map, and all the other information needed to plan for camp.

Weekday Camp Schedule

7:00a    Wake up! Breakfast at Fresh Foods

              Daycamper Drop-Off at Music Hall

8:00a    Sectionals / Warm- Up Time

8:30a    Morning Rehearsal Block

10:30a  Elective Hour / Camp Choir

11:30a  Lunch at Fresh Foods

1:00p    Sectional Time

1:30p    Afternoon Rehearsal Block

3:30p    Activity / Recreation Time

5:30p    Dinner at Fresh Foods

6:30p    Evening Rehearsal Block

8:30p    Evening Camp Activity

                      - Camp Recital

                      - Night at the Movies

                      - Pool Time

                      - Camp Party!

10:00p    Goodnight!


RESIDENT CAMPER  ................ $499

6 days, 5 nights, 15 meals, air-conditioned dormitory room, instruction, supervision, recreation, camp t-shirt, and concert recording download link.  Piano Campers must include private lessons, below.

DAY CAMPER  ......................... $399

For local residents.  Includes same instruction, supervision, recreation, meals, camp t-shirt, and concert recording. Reporting time 7:30 a.m. until approximately 9:15 p.m. In person mornings and evenings.

PIANO CAMP  ........................ $499 + $60 = $559
[Piano Campers are automatically enrolled in private lessons, as part of the piano camp schedule.]

60 MIN PRIVATE LESSON  ..... +$60

30 MIN PRIVATE LESSON  ..... +$30

Private lessons are OPTIONAL (for all except piano camp), but campers are encouraged to take advantage of the opportunity.

DEPOSIT  ................................ $75

Campers registering after June 1 are required to pay the full amount with their initial application.

You may cancel your application for Summer Music Camp and receive a refund less $75 (nonrefundable portion on all camp fee plans) if the request is made by June 2, 2024.  No money will be refunded for any reason after June 2, 2024.  Students arriving late for camp or leaving early are not eligible for any monetary compensation.  Camp enrollment is nontransferable.  The initial $75 registration deposit (for those who do not send the full amount) is not refundable for any reason.








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2024 Concert Program


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Piano Camp Students HSMC

Private Lesson HSMC


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Western Kentucky University is a fully accredited member of the National Association of Schools of Music since 1948.


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 Last Modified 2/14/25