Orchestra Audition Music
Fall 2024 Orchestra Audition Music - Strings
String auditions for the WKU Symphony will take place on Sunday, August 18, 2024, from 1–5pm in the Ivan Wilson Fine Arts Center, Room 300. A sign-up sheet will be posted by August 14 outside FAC 300.
In addition to selections from the posted pieces, string players will play a 2-3 octave scale of their choosing (violinists seeking to sit in the first violins must play a three-octave scale). Find recordings and LISTEN to the excerpts for style. Tempos are indicated on the excerpt.
Wind and percussion students will be chosen using the material below and through the Symphonic Band Audition process - see those excerpts on the Symphonic Band audition page.
Contact brian.stjohn@wku.edu if you have questions.
Violin I | Violin II | Viola | Cello | Bass |
Flute | Oboe | Clarinet | Bassoon | Trumpet |
Horn | Tenor Trombone | Bass Trombone | Tuba |
Additional instrumets may be invited through Symphonic Band auditions.
Western Kentucky University is a fully accredited member of the National Association of Schools of Music since 1948.