Audition Information
Fall 2024 Wind Ensemble & Symphonic Band Auditions/Instructions:
Please note: The Fall 2024 Symphonic Band WILL be performing in London on December 30th, 2024 as part of the WKU Band's trips to London. Auditions for the Symphonic Band will very competitive so it is strongly recommended to listen to good recordings on YouTube of the Audition Repertoire. Pay close attention to style, tempo, musicality, etc. Then practice - a lot! Symphonic Band students are NOT required to travel with the band to London, although this is the trip of a lifetime. Students that audition into the Symphonic Band that are not traveling with the group will double on parts assignments for the London concert repertoire which will be performed as part of the two concerts presented during the fall semester.
Auditions will be in video format as it was with the previous auditions for Spring & Fall 2023. Please prepare the excerpts for your instrument and record yourself performing the etudes, the listed scales, and chromatic scale in ONE video file. Sight-reading WILL NOT be included in this set of auditions.
NOTE: You will need a phone or video recording device and a laptop or iPad type device (for accessing to perform and record your auditions.
Woodwind, Brass, and Percussion students receiving a Department of Music Grant are required to audition.
Instructions for submitting a video are included on the submission page.
Additional information:
Scales should be performed in a consistent manner regarding articulation, rhythm and with a steady tempo. Play all scales two or more octaves if possible. This helps the faculty to assess your tone, pitch control, and technique in all registers.
Students wishing to play piccolo, tenor saxophone or baritone saxophone will have an opportunity to indicate their interest on the audition form completed online. All clarinets will audition on B-flat soprano clarinet and those wishing to also audition on bass clarinet may do so by including a video segment of them performing the bass clarinet etude. All saxophones will audition on alto saxophone. Assignments for piccolo, tenor and baritone saxophone will be made in consultation with Dr. Alvarez, Dr. Cipolla, the student, and the ensemble conductors.
All auditions will be evaluated by your studio teacher, Dr. Schallert, and Dr. McCurry using the following point scale:
Major Scale #1 - Listed on each instrument etude sheet (5 points)
Major Scale #2 - Listed on each instrument etude sheet (5 points)
Chromatic Scale - Two to Three octaves - you choose starting note (10 points)
Excerpt #1 (25 points or 16.66 if there are three excerpts)
Excerpt #2 (25 points or 16.66 if there are three excerpts)
Excerpt #3 (16.66 if there are three excerpts)
Tone (10 points)
Audition Video Recording Guidelines
Required Video Components
- The audition video is to be performed like a live audition, in a single take with no editing or alterations. The order of the components of your audition video should be as follows:
- State your full name
- State your scale (s); example: “3 octave Concert F Major scale”.
- Perform your scale(s) – approximately one minute
- Perform the two major scales listed for each instrument plus the chromatic scale (your full range)
- Perform your prepared excerpt/etudes (if you are receiving a Music Grant, and/or wish to be considered for the orchestra, perform both band and symphony excerpts) – approximately three minutes
- Your audition components (scales and excerpts/etude) must be completed in one take so only one video is submitted.
- Memorization is not required and will not factor into your scoring.
- Your audition video should be around 5 minutes long.
Additional Questions? Contact Dr. Schallert at
Please submit your video by MIDNIGHT on Thursday, August 15, 2024 at the following link:
Flute/Piccolo | Oboe | Bassoon | Clarinet |
Bass Clarinet | Saxophone | Horn | Trumpet |
Trombone | Bass-Trombone | Euphonium | Tuba |
Percussion |
Auditions: Auditions for 2024-25 Season will take place on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 30 -or- THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3.
Time: Auditions Begin at 6:00p and continue until there are no auditionees in line.
Location: WKU Music Hall (Meet in Upper Lobby)
Class: MUS 377 – SPRING 2025
You MUST register for the class in Spring 2025 to be eligible for pep band.
This is a bi-semester class beginning in October and continuing through March.
Audition Requirements
• Two Major Scales of Your Choice (memorized)
Choose from (concert pitch): Bb, Eb, Ab, F, or C
- Prepared Piece
Sign-up: First Come, First Serve in Audition Rooms, show up at 6:00p
Prepared pieces can be found at the following link. CLICK HERE
*If you are auditioning for Trumpet/Trombone 1, you must audition on the Trumpet/Trombone
1 Part.
*All other parts will be assigned following auditions.
DRUMSET AUDITIONS – Please prepare the following:
- Fight Song
- Two in the Middle
- Examples of the following styles (listening examples in parenthesis):
• Latin Groove (Oye Como Va) - Hard / Fast Rock (The Pretender) (Land of 1000 Dances)
- Slow Rock (Bully)
- Swing/Shuffle (Sweet Caroline)
- Fast Rock – Halftime – Fast Rock Sequence
- Your best “rock-out” drum set feature that will show your ability to fill
Spirit Pep Band members will be compensated for each game played. Splitting of the Spirit Pep Band will be determined once auditions have been completed. Selected members will receive $30 per game in which they performed. Travel opportunities are unknown at this time; however, a point system will be in place to determine travel eligibility should we be given the opportunity. More information will be provided in the course syllabus.
Questions? Contact Dr. McCurry –
Please visit the DEPARTMENT OF MUSIC website for up-to-date information regarding audition days and requirements.