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Minor in Performing Arts Administration

Reference Number: 428

The minor in Performing Arts Administration (Reference Number 428) requires the completion of 24 credit hours.

Required Courses

  • Students should select 3 classes from at least two of the following subject areas: Theatre, Music and/or Dance. Please note: Students pursuing major concentrations in one of these performing arts areas should distribute these 9 credits across the other two disciplines
  • MKT 220: Basic Marketing Concepts
  • MGT 333: Mgmt of Non-Profit Organizations
  • PERF 423: Performing Arts Management
  • ACCT 200: Introductory Accounting, Financial OR BA 110: Intro to Business and Entrepreneurship
  • JOUR 355: Fundamentals of Public Relations OR MKT 322: Integrated Marketing Communications

Contact Information

Department of Theatre & Dance
Western Kentucky University
1906 College Heights Blvd. #71086
Bowling Green, KY 42101-1086

Phone (270) 745-5845



Information about accreditation can be found through the Office of the Provost.

 Last Modified 3/20/18