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Minor in Sociology

Sociology is the study of social life including the social causes and consequences of human behavior. It looks at groups, organizations, and societies - how they develop and change and how people interact in them. Since so much that humans do is social, the subject matter of sociology ranges from the intimate family to the hostile mob, from crime to religion, from divisions by race, gender, and social class to the shared beliefs of a common culture, from the sociology of work to the sociology of popular music. Indeed sociology seems to offer something for everyone, and its career potential is becoming increasingly recognized by today's students.

We offer coursework for those who are pursuing a variety of careers. Our students have practice in many of the skills most desired by today’s employers, including the ability to communicate effectively and promote teamwork, to frame and solve problems realistically, to plan and evaluate projects and programs, to prepare clear and concise reports and manuals, and to speak effectively in varied group situations.

Minor Requirements

A minor in sociology requires a minimum of 21 semester hours, and is to be completed with a major area of study.

Please note: Courses may be available through Online Learning (OL), which refers to semester-based online courses, Independent Learning (IL), which refers to non-semester based courses or both delivery methods. The delivery method is noted beside each course.

Minor Required Courses (12 hours)

  • Sociology 100, Introductory Sociology (3 hours) - OL and IL
  • Sociology 300, Using Statistics in Sociology (3 hours) - OL
  • Sociology 302, Strategies of Social Research (3 hours) - OL and IL
  • Sociology 304, Sociological Theory: Perspectives on Society (3 hours) - OL

Minor Electives available through OL and/or IL (9 hours required)

  • Sociology 210, Interaction with Self and Society (3 hours) - OL
  • Sociology 220, Marriage and Family (3 hours) - OL and IL
  • Sociology 240, Contemporary Social Problems (3 hours) - IL
  • Sociology 309, Social Deviance (3 hours) - OL and IL
  • Sociology 322, Religion in Society (3 hours) - IL
  • Sociology 324, Sociology of Sport (3 hours) - OL and IL
  • Sociology 330, Criminology (3 hours) - OL and IL
  • Sociology 332, Juvenile Delinquency (3 hours) - OL and IL
  • Sociology 342, Aging in Society (3 hours) - IL
  • Sociology 352, Technology, Work and Society (3 hours) - IL
  • Sociology 360, The Community in Rural and Urban Settings (3 hours) - IL
  • Sociology 375, Diversity in American Society (3 hours) - IL
  • Sociology 438, Victimology (3 hours) - OL and IL
  • Sociology 450, Occupations and Professions (3 hours) - IL

Department Contact Information

For more information on the undergraduate minor in Sociology
Call: (270) 745-5173
Email: learn.online@wku.edu

Interested in majoring in Sociology? Visit the WKU Sociology website to learn more.



Information about accreditation can be found through the Office of the Provost.

 Last Modified 6/19/19