WKU Research Team Visits Odessa, TX for the October 14 Annular Solar Eclipse
Photo Gallery
Members of the SunSketcher team near the Stonehenge replica at the University of Texas
Permian Basin (UTPB) in Odessa, TX (Clinton Lewis/WKU)
View of the (uneclipsed) Sun through one of the pillars at the Stonehenge replica
at UTPB (Clinton Lewis/WKU)
SunSketcher PI Gordon Emslie (left) of the WKU Department of Physics & Astronomy discusses
eclipse measurements with Professor Greg Arbuckle of the WKU School of Engineering
and Applied Sciences (Clinton Lewis/WKU)
WKU student Travis Peden (right) takes a break from writing app code to provide an
on-air narrative to an Odessa, TX TV station during the October 14 annular eclipse
(Clinton Lewis/WKU)
SunSketcher honorary team member Ramsey Emslie proudly displays his model of the Baily’s
Beads seen during a solar eclipse.
An image from the October 14 annular eclipse, viewed by a SunSketcher team member.
Note the tiny Baily Bead at the bottom left of the image. (Clinton Lewis/WKU)
A map showing the track of the total solar eclipse of April 8, 2024