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Physics and Astronomy


WKU Physics and Astronomy
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Physics and Astronomy

In the News

Photos from 3/13/25 Lunar Eclipse and Blood Moon


Photos from 3/11/25 Public Observing Night


Alumni News

Are you a former student of WKU’s Physics and Astronomy department? Do you have some exciting news you would like to share? Please let us know and we can share your news in this space. Email us at info@physics.wku.edu.

About Us

We are located near the "top of the Hill" on WKU's main campus, with facilities in Kelly Thompson Hall (KTH) and Ogden College Hall (OCH), which are both on State Street between Hardin Planetarium and 14th Avenue (see WKU campus map).  Our departmental office is on the second floor of KTH in room 2009. 

We offer courses for our undergraduate students progressing toward a B.S. in Physics, for our graduate students in Homeland Security Science, and for students of all majors who need general education or technical support in physics and astronomy.

Our Mission

The WKU Department of Physics and Astronomy strives to foster a diverse international community of faculty, staff and students through engaged learning and significant research, stimulating intellectual curiosity and critical thinking.

We aim to:

  1. Suitably prepare the next generation of scientists, engineers and health professionals
  2. Increase understanding of the physical universe in the local community and beyond.
  3. Conduct research that both enables these aims and has positive impact in the local and regional community and beyond.

Upcoming Events

Public Observing Night at the KTH Rooftop Observatory
  • Location: Kelly Thompson Hall
  • Time: 8:00pm
View Event

 A community of faculty, staff, and students engaged in better understanding the physical world. 

 Last Modified 3/18/25