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Astra Scheduling

We are currently running Astra 8.9.1

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Structured and efficient class scheduling supports students' ability to complete their degree(s) in a timely manner; the highest priority in developing class schedules should be to facilitate the learning process. Such scheduling also allows the university to better optimize utilization of its physical teaching resources and ensure compliance with policies and procedures related to administration of final examinations, engagement requirements for hour of credit, and the like. This policy codifies expectations for the scheduling courses within standard class meeting times as a means of contributing to these institutional priorities.

Enforce the Non-Standard Time Permission policy.

Prime meeting time is defined as 9 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. All Main Campus and South Campus day classes carrying three semester hours of credit will be scheduled at standard times based on the MWF/TR arrangement during the "prime time." Day classes for one- or two-hour courses will begin at a standard starting time, but may have an early end time or require fewer days of instruction during the week. Day classes for courses carrying more than three semester hours of credit will begin at a standard starting time, but may extend into the next period or require more days of instruction during the week. All labs should start at standard times during prime time.  All classes should conform with engagement requirements per hour of credit as articulated in WKU Policy 1.4034.

Please refer to WKU Policy 1.6011, Any exceptions require approval prior to entry into Banner. Approval must be obtained from the College Dean's office and the VP for Academic Affairs.

Courses scheduled to begin meeting after "prime time" (beginning 1:50 on MWF and 2:20 on TR) can be proposed to meet at non-standard times with rationale approved by the College Dean.

Courses at the Regional Campuses are excluded from this policy.

Comment: Audit reports of course meeting time variations will be prepared by the Office of the Registrar and forwarded to the college deans' offices and the Provost's Office.

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 Last Modified 7/27/23