Progressive Agriculture Safety Day
Every September, the KY Partnership for Farm Family Health and Safety, Inc. (KY Partnership), in partnership with the South Central AHEC to host the Progressive Agriculture Safety Day. This program is a day-long field trip for 4th grade students in Warren, Edmonson, and Allen Counties.
Ag Safety Day will be held on September 26, 2024
Progressive Agriculture Safety Day is a day-long field trip for 4th grade students in Warren, Edmonson, and Allen Counties. More than 600 4th graders attend the day-long event. During the field trip, students visit different stations where they learn about a variety of safety topics. Topics differ each year, but can include: firearm safety, grain bin safety, sun safety, internet safety, water safety, fire safety, large animal safety, and more.
Are you a 4th grade teacher interested in bringing your class? Contact Catherine Malin (270-745-3325)
WKU students are needed to teach the mini-lessons and to lead the schools groups from station to station. We are always looking for new volunteers. In the past, WKU School of Nursing students, WKU Public Health students, WKU Agriculture students, and others have volunteered their time. Each lesson is about 15 minutes long and is repeated roughly 5 times. Presentations need to be interactive, engaging, educational, and kid appropriate.
If you are interested in becoming involved with Progressive Agriculture Safety Day, contact Catherine Malin (270-745-3325).