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APR - Certificate Review

Certificate Program Review (CR) follows a process that is an abbreviatedand streamlined version of the APR Degree Degree (DR) process that evaluates degrees and majors. A College Certificate Review Committee, without externalreviewers, conducts the review of the self-study.

Certificates are reviewed every five years.  All program review is coordinated by the Office of the Provost and that office maintains a web page that includes all information to support the CPR process, including a schedule.  The Office of the Provost also creates an annual cohort group of programs undergoing CR to facilitate cooperation, communication, collaboration, and the ability to identify program strengths and opportunities for improvement.

Certificate Review Guidelines and Steps

Certificate Review Self-Study Template

Viewing and Saving Certificate Review Data in Visual Analytics

Department Chairs Guide to Submitting Certificate Review in Portfolio

Certificate Review Committee Report Template for APR

Dean's Letter Template Charging Certificate Programs to Initiate Certificate Review

Deans' Offices Guide to Managing Certificate Review

Dean's Final Summary Report for Certificate Review

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 Last Modified 6/10/24