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Placing an Event on the WKU Events Calendar

We understand that your events are important and we want to help you get the word out.  There are a few ways to post your upcoming events on the WKU Events Calendar, and we can help! Please read on for details below:

  • Name of your event

  • Date, or date range

  • Time of your event (start time and finish time, if you know your finish time)

  • Location of your event (Building, room number)

  • Event details (What is your event for? Who are you expecting to attend? Is it swipeable? Parking or dining service accommodation information; Do you require advance RSVP? Do you need to provide directions to campus?)

  • Image or photograph associated with your event (flyer or web ad)  If you need a graphic, our office can create one for you.  The WKU Publications Team needs a minimum of two-weeks notice to create a graphic for you

    You may submit a publications request online and we will get started!

  • Contact name, phone number and email address for who attendees should contact for more info about your event

  • URL of website or webpage to associate with this event for additional details

  • Any additional relevant information pertinent to your event

If you need to book a campus room or facility for your event, please contact the person in your college or department who is responsible for making room reservations using the ASTRA software.  This is typically someone in your main or / dean's office. OR you may contact WKU Campus and Community Events to make facility reservations.

If you are an ASTRA user, please follow this procedure to place your event on the WKU Events Calendar.

If you are not an ASTRA user and you need to place a one-time event on the calendar, 
please complete this brief information form to place your event on the WKU Events Calendar.

University Marketing and WKU News have many ways to help you spread the word about your upcoming event. 

University Marketing offers complimentary digital advertising packages for on-campus departments and groups for event promotion.  Digital advertising packages may include ads sizes for Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.  Using a combination of web and social media advertising, we can help you spread the word. 

You may use the News Module available through your department's website to create a news item about your upcoming event that WKU News will then share.  You may also use your existing social media outlets (departmental Facebook, Twitter, etc., to share your news post about your event).  Contact University Marketing, and we will share and retweet the information you have already posted about your event.  You may also contact WKU News for formal press release information for large-scale events. 


Email webservices@wku.edu, and we will be happy to assist you.

 Last Modified 7/9/21