Student Recital Information and Application Form
The Department of Music presents Student Recitals as an opportunity for music students to perform in front of their peers. Student Recitals are open to the general public and so it is also an opportunity for parents and the local music community to hear performances on campus as well.
The Application Process
To perform on a Student Recital an application must be submitted. Applications are accepted throughout the semester until the Student Recital Coordinator (currently, Dr. Mark Berry) determines each recital date to be closed. When a Student Recital date is closed, applications will no longer be accepted for that date. To apply, after reading the following, scroll down to the bottom of this page and click the recital date that you wish to apply for. Then complete the information within the webform and click SUBMIT. When you click SUBMIT, the webform emails your application information to Dr. Berry and generates a confirmation email to both you and your Applied Professor. As the recital date approaches, Dr. Berry will communicate via email to applicants and music faculty regarding the program order and printed program.
Applicants and accompanists should both make themselves available for the entire Student Recital hour. Special requests such as requests to perform first on the program, or requests to perform last on the program, cannot be accommodated. The reason for this is that it is not possible to consistently and fairly make such accommodations. For example: four different applicants requesting to perform first.
When Are The Student Recital Dates?
Student Recitals generally take place in the during the last half of the semester on Fridays at the 11:30am hour. They are typically held in the FAC Recital Hall. The list below shows each Student Recital date for the semester. Student Recital dates are also listed on the Music Department online calendar.
How Do I Know If A Student Recital Date Is Closed?
The list below shows each Student Recital date for the semester and whether or not it is OPEN or CLOSED. If the date is marked CLOSED, the webform will not allow an applicant submission for that date.
Additionally, when a recital is closed, all Music Department faculty will receive an email informing them of the closed recital date.
Can I Change My Application Form After It Has Been Submitted?
If the details of your performance change, please contact Dr. Berry as soon as possible at
Further Questions?
Contact Dr. Mark Berry at
Student Recital Online Application Form:
Western Kentucky University is a fully accredited member of the National Association of Schools of Music since 1948.