Ogden News
RCAP Awarded to Dr. Ozer: Hiring Student Researcher
- Monday, June 12th, 2023
Short Project Description: The project aims to contribute new knowledge for the novel mathematical characterization of next generation serially connected smart systems (ScSS) by a robust and mathematically rigorous computational framework. ScSS is composed of interdigitated electrodes through the multi-functional piezoelectric (smart material) layers which can be used as both actuators and sensors. Therefore, ScSS are excellent choices in applications ranging from vibration and noise control to energy harvesters due to the possibility of downsizing, broad operating frequency range, and convenient deployment for employment as actuators and sensors. Piezoelectric layers are also powerful in contactless control since they eliminate dissipation losses in conducting wires. They are maintenance-free in aerospace, biomedicine, and micro-sensor robotic applications. The overall working principle of ScSS is based on piezoelectric-generated vibrations at a transmitting element, piezoelectric transduction of elastic vibrations at a receiving element, acoustic wave propagation, and acoustic-structure interactions at the surfaces of the transmitting and receiving elements.
The primary focus of the research is to design a robust computational framework in Wolfram's Mathematica, which will be supported by a thorough mathematical analysis of model approximations by a graduate student team member. This will provide new insights for the robust actuator/energy harvesting sensor design matching with the experimentally collected data.
Students can apply the job via Handshake with the provided job ID #7944083. Students who have coding skills in Phyton, Mathematica, or Matlab are highly preferred. CS/Math students will be given the priority.
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