Research at Ogden College
Ogden College of Science and Engineering has a focus on student-centric applied research where students learn through practice and experience. Our faculty is highly engaged in student research, and all of our academic units are involved. We believe innovation, inquiry, discovery, and the generation of new knowledge are the basis of both excellent teaching and learning. Research is an adventure.
43% of PIs who submitted one or more proposals to the NSF between 2019-2021 received an award.
13% of PIs who submitted an R01 proposal to the NIH received an award. 33% received an award on resubmission.
In 2019, received two NSF MRI awards. WKU was the only university in Kentucky to receive MRI awards that year.
OCSE faculty members have received just under $1.9 million in NSF MRI awards in the past decade.
OCSE faculty members received 74 RCAP awards since 2017.
In 2023, 510 faculty, staff, and students from Western Kentucky University enjoy complimentary Kentucky Association of Science annual memberships. This is more than any other institution in Kentucky and represents a 62% increase over the past five years.
Research & Creative Activities Program (RCAP)
RCAP is an internal grant program administered by the Office of Research and Creative Activity to encourage eligible full-time faculty and instructors to develop individual projects leading to the pursuit of external funding sources, and the promotion of research, scholarly, and creative activities.
RCAP support targets all disciplines.
Faculty Publications At Ogden College of Science and Engineering, faculty members are highly engaged in research across all of our eight academic units. |
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