Ogden College Student Ambassadors
Ogden College Ambassadors are an elite group of leaders who represent the college and assist with recruitment and retention efforts. Ambassadors serve as representatives for Ogden College by providing science campus tours, contributing to social media and other marketing efforts, and participating in various events such as preview days, college fairs, high school visits, and other off-site recruitment events.
Ambassador Requirements:
- Ogden College of Science & Engineering major
- Full-time enrollment as an undergraduate student
- Sophomore standing or higher (as of the semester in which you would begin the position)
- Cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher
- Excellent oral communication skills and poise in dealing with diverse groups of visitors
Ambassadors will also be expected to:
- Attend mandatory training session
- Assist with a minimum of six events or 10 hours per semester while maintaining required GPA
- Respond promptly to ambassador supervisor regarding availability to help with events
New Ogden College Student Ambassadors are typically selected in April (fall ambassadors) and November (spring ambassadors) of each year. Check the application page for application deadlines.
- $250 scholarship per semester
- Ogden College of Science & Engineering apparel
- Getting acquainted with other students, faculty, and staff
- Great resume builder
Have Questions?
For more information about the OCSE Student Ambassador program, please contact:

- Advising & Student Services Specialist
- jennifer.anderson@wku.edu
- OCH 1014
- 270-745-6180