Ogden News
Drs. Arbuckle and Doggett Publish Article
- Wednesday, June 26th, 2013
Drs. Arbuckle and Doggett recently co-wrote an article that was published in the Technology Interface International Journal Fall/Winter 2012 Volume 13, Number 1 Issue. The article is titled, "CREATING A STATE-WIDE TRANSFER PROGRAM FOR ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY AND TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT STUDENTS". An abstract of the article is below.
The primary purpose of the Western Kentucky Pipeline for 2+2+2 Engineering Technology and Technology Management (ET/TM) students program is to significantly increase degree production and workforce preparation in central and western Kentucky through the construction of a long-term sustainable, reproducible model bridging program of cooperation between Western Kentucky University (WKU), Murray State University (MSU) and the Kentucky Community and Technical College System (KCTCS). The program will significantly increase industrial and technology education opportunities, technology enrollment and two and four-year degree completion. Additionally, this project supports the Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education’s (CPE) goal to double the overall number of undergraduate degrees granted. Kentucky’s “2020 Goals” represents a united P-16 effort to improve student achievement, compared with national norms. This program will establish and demonstrate a model that may be replicated throughout the Commonwealth. Other states may find elements of the model useful.
You can view the article and many others at the TIJI website http://www.tiij.org/issues/fall2012/Fall_Winter_2012.htm
For more information on the faculty members or the Masters of Science in Engineering Technology Management, please view the AMS website.
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