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Dr. Scott Bonham
Dr. Scott Bonham
- Associate Professor, Physics Education Development Coordinator
  • Physics 103 – Light, Color and Vision
  • Physics 215 – Seminar for Physics Learning Assistants
  • Physics 231 – Biophysics I
  • Physics 256 – University Physics I Laboratory
  • Physics 363 – Science Controversies

Dr. Bonham’s work as a science educator and researcher focuses on scientific skills and the cultural contexts of science.  A major area of focus of his research group has been on teaching and learning scientific communication, improving instruction of scientific writing and helping students understand and construct scientific arguments.  He is also interested in the use of science history for the teaching about the nature of science and how it works.  A final area is working to better understand socio-scientific controversies and improve communication about them.

M.A. University of Lousiville Comparative Humanities 2021
Post Doc North Carolina State University Physics Education Research 1997-2000
Ph.D. University of Illinois Physics (Thin Films and Surface Science) 1997
M.S. University of Illinois Physics 1991
B.S. Case Western Reserve University Physics 1989
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 A community of faculty, staff, and students engaged in better understanding the physical world. 

 Last Modified 2/21/25