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Apply for Domestic Program

Please complete the form below. This will allow us to enroll you in courses and schedule tutoring sessions.


You must meet the below criteria to be eligible for a Project GO scholarship. Go to www.wku.edu/projectgo/projectgo_contact_us if you have questions regarding your eligibility status.


  • I am a U.S. citizen.
  • I am currently enrolled in an undergraduate degree program in the U.S.
  • I will continue to be an enrolled undergraduate student throughout the program dates.
  • I am a member of AROTC, AFROTC, or NROTC, and I am on track for commissioning through ROTC.
  • I will remain an active member of ROTC during the program dates.
  • I am not employed by the U.S. Federal Government.


Are you a ROTC student at WKU?

Do you have any prior knowledge of the Chinese language?

Hold down the CTRL key (Command ⌘ on Mac) to select multiple options.



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 Last Modified 9/5/24