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Admission to Social Work Major

Students applying to and continuing in the Social Work Major at Western Kentucky University are expected to possess, appreciate, and continue to develop a number of personal qualities and characteristics. For a complete description of these and other necessary qualities, see the BSW Student Handbook.


Academic Advising

Prior to being admitted to the Social Work Major (594), students can declare Social Work-Prep (594P) as their Major.

Declaration of Social Work-Prep (594P) as a major requires completion of the Change of Major/Minor/Advisor form available on Topnet. The completed form must be emailed to bswadmissions@wku.edu or printed and delivered to AC 110.

Social Work-Prep (594P) students are advised by an Academic Advisor in the Advising and Career Development Center.

Students who apply to and are admitted to the Social Work Major (594) are assigned a BSW Faculty advisor following admission.


Applying for Admission

Students wishing to Major in Social Work (594) must complete an application which is reviewed by the BSW faculty. 

Detailed application procedures and forms are available at Application Procedures for the Major.


Transfer Students

The first step in the transfer process is admission to WKU. Students transferring into the social work major should contact an academic advisor as early as possible in the transfer process. Advisor assignments are made by the BSW Program Director following admission to the Major. For information about how a specific course will transfer to WKU visit the Transfer Credit Articulation Page.


Application Requirements

In order to be considered for full admission to the Social Work major, students must complete all prerequisites for the major, have a GPA of 2.50 or higher (2.20 GPA for students enrolled at WKU prior to Fall 2009), achieve sophomore status**, and complete the application process. Full details of the application requirements are available at BSW  Application Procedures for the Major.

​**Fall admission applicants: It is recommended to complete a minimum of 60 hours before admission to the BSW program. ​In this way, new majors will be enrolled in no more than 15 hours/semester for four semesters and will graduate when completing the BSW program.**

**Spring admission applicantsIt is recommended to complete a minimum of 45 hours before admission to the BSW program. ​In this way, new majors will be enrolled in no more than 15 hours/semester for five semesters and will graduate when completing the BSW program.**


Deadlines for Submitting Applications

November 1: for students wishing to begin the major in the following Spring semester *Please note that these students will complete the Major in 5 semesters.

April 1: for students wishing to begin the major in the Fall semester *These students will complete the Major in 4 semesters.




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 Last Modified 2/26/25