Online BSW Program
Earn your BSW online at WKU!
Our online program option offers the same high-quality, CSWE-accredited education that our face-to-face students experience – in a convenient format conducive to students who need a more flexible schedule – while providing the opportunity to interact with students from a wide geographic area.
- Four total years (8 semesters) to complete bachelor’s degree first semester to graduation. Following admission to major, two years (4 semesters) of required Social Work classes to graduate with BSW. (See course sequence below.)
- Full-time program, but part-time option available – contact BSW program for details.
- Fully online and flexible
- Most courses are completed in 8 weeks*
- No campus visit required
- 400-hour field practicum (i.e., internship, completed at a community-based agency in home community)
* Field seminar courses and practica (internship) are full-term (16-weeks); winter and summer electives options are 2- to 5-weeks; Online BSW Program students are eligible to take full-term (16-week) electives during traditional academic year; PCWCP students MUST complete each of the two required electives for the program (i.e., Elective #1: SWRK 450 and Elective #2: SWRK 451) in full-term semesters. These courses are delivered synchronously via Zoom, Wednesdays @ 5:30-8:15 pm (CST).
Course Sequence
Below is a timeline showing when students complete their Bachelor of Social Work courses. This includes the required courses, as well as 12 hours of electives within the major. Advisors are great resources for helping students choose electives that best fit their interests and schedule, like taking Elective #4 during Summer Sessions or Winter Session!
First Year
Fall Semester
1st Bi-Term
- SWRK 301: Social Work Practice for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
- Elective #1
2nd Bi-Term
- SWRK 330: Human Behavior in the Social Environment
- SWRK 375: Social Work Practice I
Spring Semester
1st Bi-Term
- SWRK 357: Case Management
- Elective #2
2nd Bi-Term
- SWRK 378: Social Work Practice II
- SWRK 379: Introduction to Social Work Communication Skills
Second Year
Fall Semester
1st Bi-Term
- SWRK 381: Social Work Practice III
2nd Bi-Term
- SWRK 345: Social Work Research Methods
- SWRK 480 & 481: Social Work Field Practicum and Seminar I
Spring Semester
1st Bi-Term
- SWRK 395: Social Welfare Policy & Issues
2nd Bi-Term
- Elective #3
- SWRK 482 & 483: Social Work Field Practicum and Seminar II
Contact Information
BSW Program Director
(270) 745-4227
BSW Links
- Honors Students
- Scholarships
- SWSU (Social Work Student Union)
- Phi Alpha Honor Society
- Study Abroad & Global Learning
- CSWE Core Competencies
- BSW Program Mission
- BSW Student Handbook
- Orientation Materials
- BSW Information Video