BSW Mission
Grounded in a robust liberal arts foundation and guided by the core values and ethics of the profession, the mission of the Western Kentucky University BSW Program is to prepare students to be competent, entry-level generalist practitioners who actively engage in anti-oppressive practices locally, nationally, and globally.
• To prepare generalist social workers who are culturally competent and adept at integrating professional knowledge, values, and skills for practice with diverse populations and multigenerational client systems of various sizes
• To foster a respect for diversity and a commitment to the common good through the advancement of social justice.
• To instill a sense of oneself as a citizen of the world who is committed to ongoing
professional growth and development
(Adopted by BSW Faculty 2024)
BSW Links
- Honors Students
- Scholarships
- SWSU (Social Work Student Union)
- Phi Alpha Honor Society
- Study Abroad & Global Learning
- CSWE Core Competencies
- BSW Program Mission
- BSW Student Handbook
- Orientation Materials
- BSW Information Video