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Online and Hybrid Teaching

Moving into the Spring 2021 semester many faculty will continue to be teaching in online and hybrid formats. The staff at the CITL are here to support WKU faculty and instructors in their adoption of online and hybrid teaching formats. We want to help you think through your course and strategize ways to make this change as smooth and painless as possible. To facilitate this process, we have put together the following resources - including this Online & Hybrid Course Readiness Checklist - as a starting point or reference. As you consider the resources below, please do not hesitate to reach out to the CITL team with any questions that arise. We look forward to working closely with you and welcome your questions.


Online Teaching

Courses designated as fully online for Spring 2021 will have no requirements for on-campus or face-to-face sessions, but faculty may choose between offering either a synchronous or asynchronous course. There are strengths to both synchronous and asynchronous environments and we would encourage you to take a look at “Synchronous vs Asynchronous Learning: Which is Right for Your Learners?” by Caroline Lawless at LearnUpon to consider which would be most appropriate for your specific courses. If you have questions or are unsure of which method would work best for you, the CITL team would be happy to visit with you in more detail to determine which might be more advantageous.

The following resources are intended for faculty who will be teaching completely online. 

General Tips and Considerations

Things to consider when you have to move your class online.

Best Practices: Online Pedagogy

Teaching tips for creating engaging online learning experiences.

Workshops and Webinars

Join us and learn how to use basic tools and technologies. 


Hybrid Teaching

The hybrid instructional models outlined by the WKU Fall 2020 Restart Plan offers a unique opportunity for faculty to continue face-to-face interaction in a socially distanced classroom format. To get started, please watch our Classroom Tech video which demonstrates the IPEVO camea that allows faculty to Zoom with students who are not in the classroom. If you have questions about the suggested options outlined for hybrid instruction at WKU, please visit the WKU Restart Plan for additional information.

The following resources are designed as a starting point for faculty who are planning to teach in a hybrid format for their Spring 2021 courses. These resources are geared towards considerations related to the face-to-face component and the implications of the COVID-19 pandemic such as social distance and inconsistent attendance. While we are including some information specific to online teaching practice, please visit the CITL resources for Online Teaching for additional information related to teaching fully online.

 The following resources are intended for faculty who will be teaching in a hybrid environment. 

General Tips and Considerations

Things to consider when you have to move your class to a hybrid environment.

Best Practices: Hybrid Pedagogy

Teaching tips for creating engaging hybrid learning experiences.

Workshops and Webinars

Join us and learn how to use basic tools and technologies. 


Student Learning

Tips for Online Learning

Things to consider as you move to learning online.

Technology and Tools

Technology that you may use when learning online.

Getting Help

Information to connect you to various resources.



Some of the links on this page may require additional software to view.

 Last Modified 2/3/23